Dose anyone else have these signs and... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Dose anyone else have these signs and are they connected to fibro.

shipo profile image
24 Replies

Hello people, hope you all having a pain free day today.

This is my 1st time on here and i'm just wondering if blurry vision is related to fibro, I have had fibro for 5 years now but just recently other things have been happening like the above and dropping things i cant seem to grab things properly all the time and numbness in face arms, legs, also very very bad memory loss.

Please tell me there is someone else out there that has this, im very sorry if there is but it would be nice to know im not on my own and going mad.xxxxx

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shipo profile image
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24 Replies

hi shipo no you are not on your own as i have the same problem with my vision and all what you have said...

my hands are hot and painfull all the time and also my feet, some times my feet feel like i am standing on hot coal..

legs are constantly pain full, dont sleep very well at night at all as can not get comfy or the pain just keeps me awake till all hours..

there are days when i can not think very well or rememmber what i have just done.

the other day me and my partner went to the shop to get the gas and electric,

when we got home i ask him what he had done with the gas card he told me that he had given bk to me , but i could not remmeber at all,

then i could not find my purse i thought i had put it on top of the bread bin, but no it was not there

me fella went to the car and behold there it was on the dashboard, man did i feel stupid and up set. fella said dont worry ya self about it we just have to laugh about it ..

sorry for the babble

PeppaRosie profile image
PeppaRosie in reply to

Brain fog is the thing i find most difficult to cope with. I am constantly forgetting things and having no recollection at all of doing things. I struggle to hold conversations as i can't remember the right word or forget what i was going to say. That's not to say the pain doesn't bother me 'cos it does!!!! I have ME as well so it is constant round of pain,fatigue, confusion. forgetfulness,frustration and lack of self confidence. I like you try to laugh it off, somedays are easier than others to do so xx

anbuma profile image

i cant say i have blurry vision but my sight has worsened buthtis may be just an age thing.i was diagnosed with fibro in 2005 and over the last year things have got a lot worse-with pain affecting arms legs neck back feet and abdomen.i believe i have dercums diseasE (something dr's havent heard of)becasue i ahve painful fatty deposits onmy left side of my chest and shoulder,i keep dropping things and cant pick things up.i also have an ovarian cyst which my Dr wont accept even though my abdomen is so swollen i look several months pregnant and my memory is also so bad.

siskin profile image
siskin in reply to anbuma

Hi anbuma, this is the first time I have heard anyone mentioning Dercums, I read about it about 5 yrs. AGO. i HAVE PAINFUL FATTY LUMPS ON THE TENDONS (SORRY CAPS) on the backs uf my opper leggs. GP not heard of it either. WHEN I PRESS ON THEM FEELS VERY SORE LIKE A SMAL SHARD OF glass.Do your lumps feel that way?

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to siskin

yes they do.what did your gp say when you mentioned Dercums?mine just dismissed it like everything else.

siskin profile image
siskin in reply to anbuma

Ultra sound was done by rheumatology, just said sub-cutaneous fatty tissue. Not important. Nothing can be done. It is to me because they are all up the back of my leg and painful sitting on hard chairs. They started close to back of knee, where you can feel the tendon, and over the years have "grown" up almost to groin.

Nothing is important to my GP even out of range blood tests.

I never wish anyone ill, but I am beginning to wish some of them would get a bit of their own medicine. They wont of course because they will get the best there is all in THE CLUB together. :-(


scattysarah profile image

Hi I have had fibro for app 15 years if u are taking steroids for any reason this can cause a problem with your eyes. If not then i would advise u to see your optician just for your own peae pf mind. Hope all is well.

LeeLarLou profile image

I get the blurry vision and grey shadowy spots that i can see thru... Fibro has many different symptoms altho I'm not sure what all of them are but I guess some of us have things that others don't... ((hugs))



Extremelygrumpy profile image

I am on dosulepin for fibro and one of the side affects listed is blurry vision which I have some days worse than others... I am convinced my eyesight has worsened quickly but opticians say no so I guess it's just blurred vision from meds

Hilly profile image

Hi shipo, you are not on your own, I have all the symptoms that you describe, plus a million more lol.

Hilly xx

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to Hilly

has your doctor done anything for you?

shipo profile image
shipo in reply to anbuma

Hi thqanks for replying,

My dr did put me amatryptline tablets but they just knocked me out to be honest and with 2 young children and a job I can't afford to be like that, but off to see her again tomoz about some bloods I had done to test for lupas and some other stuff so gonna see what she comes up with.xx

madmaria profile image

Hi shipo yes I get all of the above it gets on my nerves its a pain but we have to adapt

best wishes Maria

Flips profile image

Hi, as with most people everyday is like a different chapter in a book. I sometimes think 'am I imagining things' lately my concentration has been appauling not to mention very slow reactions. I can't think of words and somedays struggle remembering how to do simple tasks like making coffee. This stage can last from a few days to a few weeks. The longer I feel this way the more frustrated and depressed. There's never a day without pain. I get most pain in my spine and hips. I do a lot of walking with my dogs but like yesterday it was pain with every step from start to finish :-( but im determined to carry on regardless. Sticks wouldn't benefit me me as my arms are too weak. I get a lot of stomach cramps but I expect its the meds that cause that. I get very clumsy and have disturbed vision often too. There are so many many side lines if you like to Fibro that to catalogue them all would be impossible. Some complaints are as a direct result of fibro or other illnesses or meds side effects. The longer I have fibro the worse I've become and more frustrated. Apart from the pain, the next worst thing for me is the overwhelming fatigue. If you get a new complaint and not sure if its a direct link to fibro, ask your GP to be on the safeside xx

At least on here we are not alone xx

Amanda profile image
Amanda in reply to Flips

Hi Flips,don't struggle because your arms are weak! I can't put weight through my hands so I asked physio for a pair of "gutter crutches" ,they are different from ordinary crutches as you put all the weight through your forearms,leaning on the crutches and don't grip with your hands.As the weight is distributed over a greater area they may be suitable for you.

Flips profile image
Flips in reply to Amanda

Good idea Amanda, its something to consider if/when I get to the point I can't walk at all. Not sure how id manage my two dogs on leads tho :-(

I've been told by my doctor today to come off the Naproxen for a while as its mashed up my stomach during the two years I've been on it. But im so scared of the problems I had before I started taking them! I KNOW I've deteriorated in the last year too. Eeek! Always something to look forward to :-( xx

Amanda profile image
Amanda in reply to Flips

so fibro isn't progressive ? ummm!

Flips profile image
Flips in reply to Amanda

I know! It certainly is progress. If I felt like I do now 2 years ago id have topped myself!!

summer13 profile image

hiya , no you are definately not on your own. My eye sight was perfect before i got this fibromyalgia and it deterioated significantly in the 1st year of me having fibro and is continuing to get worse

Quite interesting this, I have had blurred vision for awhile with floaters, which I believe a lot of thyroid patients have. The optician couldn't help much. I am petrified about losing my sight as I'm sure we all are. So does this mean if you have this it's related to Fibro, or are they missing something. Thanks for bringing this matter up on here, as it's bothered me for awhile.

Flips profile image

I have had underactive thyroid for 11 years Wednesday, I get floaters and migrain visual disturbances but my GP and optician said it wasn't linked to that. Who knows. Maybe we are just pre conditioned to have any crap thrown at us?!

So sorry to hear all this... here is a link for Dercums.. known as adiposis..

Hugs x

shaz66 profile image

your not on your own pet i use to have 20/20 vision and now i have to wear glasses i drop things all the time very forgetful have shaky legs numbness in my fingers cant sleep and have nearly set my kitchen on fire by leaving a ring on and putting a tea towel on it only for my daughter in law it could of been alot worse so im banned from the kitchen and am not alowed to be left on my own i fall quite alot and walk into sides of doors so i feel for you lv.gentle hugs pet xxx shaz

cobweb profile image

my eyesight has become very weak. The low vision clinic accept that I can't see much but because they don't know why, they couldn't help.I have spent hundreds of pounds that I can't afford on glasses, but nothing helps. My eyes are really painful, I have to strain to read & squint all the time. I am light sensitive too. I have lots of accidents on my mobility scooter 'cos of my stupid lack of control, can't see drop kerbs either. GP's suggestion? Take away my scooter, which would leave me housebound. I live alone. Brilliant idea!

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