Does anyone with Fibro get mouth ulce... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Does anyone with Fibro get mouth ulcers, sore tongue and roof of mouth that feels like you've burnt it and it hurts to eat and drink.

I have had this for last 3 years. Sometimes even water was setting it off. Only just discovered through a good talk with my dentist about acid erosion and told her exactly what you have said, that it is reflux.
I now take just one Omeprazole 20mg and it is gone. Thought I needed to feel indigestion for that! Had asked my doc about it for years, but once I had discussed with him about the dentists discussion he tried the prescription. She explained that unless you have just eaten something acidic the acid can only be coming from the esophagus. Makes sense.
I am changing my diet to try controlling it this month.
Think of it each time you eat or drink and if it seems right run it by your doctor. Good luck xx
yes I'm recovering from this minus the GP treated me for thrush.
I have had a sore tongue for years cant eat spicey food even mints can irritate it my GP said it was psorisis if the tongue. I try to be careful with what I eat.
Do you also have dry eyes,they will stream with tears in bright sunshine or if you have a breeze on them.Also maybe very dry skin,I have a condition called Sjogrens syndrome which is an auto immune problem.
If you have any of these other problems including joints which are painful and swollen and warm to the touch.Fibro causes pain in our joints but it is not an inflamatory condition.
Just a thought
Hugs Butterfly54xxxx
Yes, yes, yes, I can begin to each a meal, and be OK, by the end of it I can have two or three ulcers. The roof of my mouth gets particularly sore on eating BROWN BREAD for some strange reason. This can also be a symptom of arthritis which I also have, so I've always put mine down to that before.
My eyes stream in sunshine, I wear sunglasses a lot, the wrap around style which help that, and hay fever.
I have a permanently painful/burning tongue. it is so annoying and makes eating very difficult. I am on Lansaprazole to control acid in my stomach due to having stomach and duodenal ulcers. GP says that the fibro is the cause of it and unfortunately not much can be done he says. You would think cold things would help but for me that seems to make it ten times worse. It now has me dreading each meal time because I know I am going to be in pain and still eating long after everyone else has finished and washed up their dishes.
There's a list of causes on this NHS page. Perhaps something might ring a bell.
I often get blisters on the top of my mouth after eating dark chocolate or very strong cheese, so much as I love them I tend to not induldge very often.
Julie xx
Thanks for the link Waterlily - quite a few different possible causes. xx
I feel for ya I have this problen. at moment I got three ulsers on my tongue.
I have never had a mouth ulcer before, but I get them terribly now. Only now getting over 3 on the end of my tongue, a massive one inside my cheek, 3 underneath my top lip and 5 speckled about the bottom jaw line. I havent been able to eat properly.
Ice cream helped. WOnder why this is? x