Does anyone with fibro/myofacia go to... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Does anyone with fibro/myofacia go to a pain clinic? Does and what help?

I have been going to a pain clinic since 2009. They do biofeedback, acupuncture, med management, injections, or recommend you to specialist. Make sure they are listening to you and if you're not happy find a new doctor. I just got a new pain clinic after 1 year After being all but ignored by my other one. This new one is exceptional I'm finally getting more help. They are worth it in my opinion.
I do. I was already on Pregablin (Lyrica) and pain killers. The specialist prescribed Capsaican cream for my neuropathic pain which unfortunately I had to discontinue as the burning sensation which is supposed to disappear after a certain amount of time just got worse. I was also prescribed electronic acupuncture which was slowly helping with the back pain when i was given it every 3 weeks. They then left 6 weeks between treatments and then 3 months and I found it helped for several weeks after an initial bad reaction for a couple of days. Unfortunately in our area they will only now give us treatment every 4 months so there are now only short periods of time where it gives me some relief. If there was somewhere within the area that provided it privately I would be more than happy to pay. Theer is sometimes a conflict between what the pain clinic suggests and what the GP is willing to prescribe. They suggested Codydramol tablets and at first my GP refused to prescribe them as he thought I was already on too many "addictive" pain killers but he did then decide that he would give me a box to try when I returned to him again still in severe pain. I believe some pain clinics will provide hydrotherapy and alternative therapyswhich I know has helped some people. In some parts of the country they sometimes offer a short residential course for people with chronic pain conditions where they go through medication, alternative therepys and psychological ways of coping with pain. I personally would jump at the chance of going on one. Have you got an appointment? If you do attend please let us know how you get on. x
I have just started going highly recommend it hope it works for you good luck

Thank you please let us know how you make out.
Hi bwaite
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I do not attend a pain management clinic at the moment as I have been under a consultant for another complex issue. However, I have pasted you a couple of links pertaining to pain management and I hope that there may be some useful information for you:
I want to wish you all the best of luck with findings some resolution and relief to your question?
All my hopes and dreams for you
I've recently been referred to the pain management team, but have yet to recieve anything through. The waiting times here can be quite long.
Yes, I have been twice. After you get on a medication that seems to work my family doctor now rights my script's. Don't suffer, GO!!!
Will do thanks!
Went back to pain clinic today how different it was I had hardly sat down and he said there is nothing more we can do when I asked question about my back he was really rude my husband ask about my Kinsey snapped back at him and said see your own doctor nothing I can do about having said it was great now I wish I had never seen the place all it has done has found out my kindneys are not working and no one will talk to me about it can not get to see gp they only do telephone appointment if you are lucky and pain clinic who found it out don't want to know so much feel like giving up for good