Should'nt be down as its my birthday but have sore throat and runny nose ache all over and its a year today we lost our dog Bess from cancer. all i've done is sleep and cry. no sun overcast and flood warning for tomorrow. i keep telling myself to pull yourself together as there are wore than you but its not working. on the plus side have brill hubby for 38yrs. sorry about moan do try to be possitve. hope your day is good soft hugs to all. hope your
Birthday but not great day. - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Birthday but not great day.

happy birthday, hope youll soon feel better, I cant believe Im 55 on friday, were did that time go, and its our anniversary in july 37 yrs, i cant remember breaking that many mirrirs[lol] take it easy its your birthday your entitled to moan cry, do whatever you need to do

thanks lally. I agree where did the time go. 59 today and our 38th ann. in august. Hubby says hed get less for Its just started raining now.oh well might have to send hubby for some choc good for mind uplift bad for body. Hope you have a great birthday on friday. take care soft hugs xx
Going to sing are you listening
Happy bithday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear scrumi, happy birthday to you ...
Oh forgot to say I am tone deaf
Soft hugs xxx
Happy Birthday, Scrummie x x xx
happy birthday scrummie love beth
Belated happy birthday to you Scrumie xx hope you got your choccie xx (my beloved gives me choc from his secret stash in the evenings)
happy birthday for tomorrow, Lally xx am saying this now in case I forget later lol.
it was my 53rd (ugh, hate that number!) birthday a few days ago. inside I'm a 20 yr old rock chick, but on the outside - whoa, let's not go there but on the bright side, my beloved took me to a shop in Bristol to choose whatever I wanted. such a sweetheart. on the down side, the day out did me in and had a knock-on effect I didn't have the heart to tell him about - I just said I was going thru a rough patch and left it at that!
mmmmm chocolate....and to think I didn't eat the stuff for over 15 years, before falling off the wagon :-S