had my letter bk from pip benefits they have awarded enhanced rate of both mobility n care until 2023 its been sooooo stressful filled in the 2nd renew form so chin up all you thats waiting for replys its not allways a no or reduced rate im proof of that and 4 all those appealing you keep fighting for your rights may it all be put right soon hope you all have a a less painfull day i dont think any fibro sufferer is ever painfree so wishing you all a less painfull day xxxxx
ITS NOT ALL DOOM N GLOOM: had my letter... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

So good to hear this. Now you can relax and live without this stress. Gentle hugs. Joolz.x
HI nannat76 , Good for you, maybe now you can have a some what normal life. Take care. Peck 🐤
Hi nannat76
That is absolutely wonderful news to read my friend, and I am genuinely delighted for you. I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Well done. Its always nice to hear good news here. X
What wounderful news nannat76 now you can look after yourself after all that stress. Xx
So pleased for you......Maybe a quick limbo under the kitchen table to celebrate!!!!! x
That's great news
Great news xxx
Wonderful news so pleased for you stood news story gives others hope.x
That is such good news and gives hope to those who are still waiting to hear.
Thank you for posting
So glad to hear some good news. x
Well done thats a great result and you did well to find the courage, determination and resolve to keep fighting, i really hope your result does encourage others to keep going and i hope when you see a negative result posted by someone else you can tell them of your success. Meanwhile give yourself a huge round of applause (but mind your hands!) you absolutely deserve to be proud of yourself for what you have acheived.
what do you think swung it in your favor?? I'm awaiting mine?
Brilliant, yes it is very stressful I've got my appoint in 11days its had a very depressing affect on me I'm dreading the appointment.