and sleep where it can be up to 33hs, i wake only to use the toilet and feel as though iam not with it, i sweat terrible with this but just my hair and face are wet. on wot i call good days i can be up for a couple of hours but even washing up can drain all of my energy some times i think iam going mad, my doctor doesnt seem to be all clued up on this illness so iam really please with finding this site ,PLEASE PLEASE tell me iam not the only one like this as my family dont really dont understand as i look normal x
hi all. iam new to this ive been told... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
hi all. iam new to this ive been told ihave fybro and m.e, my day consists of waking about about midday take my tablets and go back to bed

hi hun im so sorry ur so bad withFM i was diagnosed a year ago but im not as bad as u .i think u need to change yr doc ive got a great doc they r out there .u r not on yr own plz keep blogging everyone is so supportive on here it will help u thru sofy hugs Tofty xxxx
hi, you have got it bad hun with the sound of it . you must get back
in touch with your gp if it keeps on as bad as this . soft hugs xx
sounds about right to me, I can sleep for days, just use to loo when I can, and sweat your right my hair face and neck, I told a dla tribunal about those type of days, and they didnt believe me,Im sorry youve got it so bad, hopefully this forum can get you some help
thanks all for answering me back, iam so pleased i found this site ha at least i know iam not going mad now,thanks again and lots of hugs x
Hi paula, i am so sorry you are feeling bad. It is horrible and you just have to learn and try your best to live with it. Pacing is the absolute key but i know exactly how you feel. I have a few good patches but i do still get very bad with no idea why.
This site is brilliant for help, advice and support so you dont need to feel alone. Anything you want to ask or say do it.
hugs, kel xxxxx
thanks all xxx
welcome to the sight i sleep when i am stressed and having a flare up with FMS i think everyone is unique on how they feel some sleep others dont however one thing you will find is lots of support xx gentle dyslexic hugs