Good morning all my dear fibro friends! Please accept my apologies for abandoning my fluffie assistant duties zeb and for not being around for the last few months! i feel terrible but Iam going to make a concerted effort to not disappear again lol! My health has improved dramatically although I have had a bit of a slight decline recently for certain emotional upset reasons but Iam going to get back into my regime of exercise and healthy eating as I was doing before.For those of you who dont know me I have had severe fibro for a number of years and have been affected terribly by it.However after Xmas time I decided to improve my health and took it upon myself to start back into a healthy eating regime and went back to slimming world.I also gradually built up an exercise regime by just starting with a walk and then gradually increased it bit by bit.I went from someone who was unable to hardly get out,extremely depressed,didn't get washed and dressed and couldn't function properly to someone who can now participate in life and Iam becoming quite fit now and have lost weight and toned up.My confidence has improved and I looked into doing some voluntary work and then going on to getting back into paid work and even some studying as well.I have not begun the voluntary work as I became sidetracked with other things but I will hopefully be starting it soon.I even joined a dating agency and have just met a lovely caring man and Iam very happy.I just need to get back on track with my eating and exercise and my goals now.Iam very happy to be back on here again as I've missed it very much and feel bad for not being around but Iam back again guys and want to stick around now.Hopefully I can help some guys on here with my experiences and offer some support.So I look forward to hearing from you all very much! Have a great day! Xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello everyone Iam back!: Good morning... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hello everyone Iam back!

Welcome back, I`ve missed seeing you around. Glad to hear that you are still doing well. Hugs sue

Many thanks! Xxx
Welcome home it is good to hear you are well xxx gin
Thank you gins! How are you my dear? Xxx
Whole you are all selling?In croatia probe with link keep sending but both woh. Hope all is well best wishes xgins
Welcome back it is good to read your posts again!
Ken x
It's so lovely to see you again haribo, I hope zeb, comes by soon to see you she will be so pleased. Watch out everyone, lock up your curly wurlys
Foggy x
Hi Indeed. I was going to send out a armour plated plastic duck search party.
That all sounds very positive, well done haribo, nice to know you are back.
Welcome back Haribo!
To coin a phrase, 'Nice to see you, to see you nice!'
FibroAction Administrator
Lovely to see you posting again Haribo, we have all missed you. Glad to hear you are doing so well and feeling positive, great news!!!