I know im not going to win it and just want to be left alone. I've also got depression and at the moment at a all time low.my head is all over the place and sure I'm going to get stuck on the day. Please anyone help me with tips. Cheers
Hi all not been on here for over a ye... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hi all not been on here for over a year now . ive got my appeal on Tuesday and really stressing about it. Been waiting nearly a year. .

Just go as you are tell the truth do not be bullied take time to answer the questions and dont rush, i know how you feel i had my appeal for dla in May i didnt win i felt ram raided into the questions and answers put in my mouth, i have my esa appeal in 2 weeks waited a year my health over the year has got worse so as my depression mainly due to have very little money due to them taking it off me i have not worked since 2004 and have always been signed off as indefinate and always sailed through my medicals when it was done for incapacity, now they bring these outside "medical professionals" to assess us and within 20 minutes make a decision based on if i can lift a plastic carrier bag or get up onto the couch using the steps its all a joke. But good luck do your best and go win xx
Hi cazza.Thanks for ur great response .looks like they put u through it too.whats we suppose to do with them sure they think we are play acting or something. Im gonna give it them back so sure I think they pissing about. Let u know how I get on. Cheers for good wishes. Mike.
Thanks cazza.i won great to know we have friends on here. Cheers. Mike.
So pleased you won you did very well and it is great to get advice beforehand, i went to pieces in mine but i have got a second chance next week in my ESA appeal so i too will take in what everyone has said and hopefully come out with a good result. Again well done mate x
Thanks cazza.read what budgiefriend said to me.i really used his advice only said it the one time and the doctor in there left me alone.make sure u go like a tramp.and u must have two walking sticks. If they see u all smart and hair and clothes clean and ironed they will take it ur able to care for ur self.i really wish u luck and please tell me how u get on.im here if u start to get worried or need advice. Mike
They will try to get you to say yes or no to a question that does not have a yes or no answer. Example: Can you get into and out of bed? My answer was yes. Then Do you need help with getting out of bed in the morning. My answer was: Well, I often lie in bed in so much pain and feeling like I can't move my body. I try to move but it doesn't respond. Sometimes I have to go to the toilet so bad but can't get up for at least 2 hrs. Then they say "You told us you can get into and out of bed." So is it yes or is it no. Well, I then explain that yes, I am physically capable of getting in and out of bed, but when in pain which happens most mornings, then I often am not able to get up to go to the toilet until a couple hours later. They then talk to me in a very rude way about how I am wasting their time and I just need to give them a simple yes or no answer.
This is the type of thing you must be prepared for. I was not expecting such rudeness and lack of concern for my stress and my situation with a constantly changing condition. One of the appeals people was a doctor. She was very condescending to me. At one point two of them were playing off each other... like one would be tough and the other condescendingly 'kind' but not really kind. They were trying to get me to say things that were not true. Some things are not simple.
The one thing I think helped my case was that I told them I understand that their DWP guidelines state ... and I would quote. They hated that, but it let them know that I would appeal to the higher tribunal if they denied me on the basis that they were misapplying their own guidelines.
I stated repeatedly in answer to many questions, that although I could perform this task or that, I could not do so most of the time, I could not do it repeatedly, I could not do it safely, and I could not do it without severe pain MOST of the time.
They don't like when you keep saying that stuff. But it is the truth and it is following their guidelines which state that must be the basis on which they grant you the benefits or not.
I hope this helps. It also really helps to have a person with you who can help if you get lost and confused. They can sort of ask for a break or ask you a question that clears your mind. They can remind you of things that you forgot to say. Also, a person who knows your situation can be a 'witness' to how you are most of the time.
I wish you well. Although mine was absolutely horrible and it took me months to get over the ordeal of it, they did give me the lowest levels of mobility and care. I should have got mid levels but at least I have something. It has allowed me to pay for a cleaning person and buy a laptop so I can communicate with others online, as I am all alone and have no visitors except my cleaning person. To have friends online has saved my life, quite literally.
You should write the main points down and be sure to make it like a checklist so you don't forget anything.
Wow.thanks budgiefriend.im so nervous as time gets near to Tuesday and getting myself all worked up and getting confused .I will remember your points if I get stuck at any time im going as a tramp.lol.ive not had a shave for a week and goings in soiled clothing I wilk look the part but I can't believe I've got to do this just to prove im unable to look after myself. I will let you know how I get on.I really thank you for your advice and time you have taken to help me so happy you got through your appeal and wish you good health .Cheers. Mike
Hi budgiefriend.im so relieved I won and did use ur lines.my son said were I get them from. Lol. I was ready to fight them but they were quite cool .A lady came out while I was waiting and said they gave her a bad time. She didn't pass so I wss expecting a tuff time. I did feel sorry for her and a bit guilty. They gave me 18 points. I don't know what level im on or if I get any back pay. So many thanks for u support. It worked. Well done.mike.
Just try relax be ur self and make sure u tell them extatly what ur illness is use words like I cannot do things / struggle / need help don't use possitive wordds at all it works as I just won mine after 11 months only got low rate both components but it a star and good luck anne and peter
Thanks Ann.im in a right mess today as time gets near . Are you saying don't give them a inch as they will make more of it.I got my medical records yesterday and looking at them shows I was diagnosed way back in 2002.only they seem to have forgotten to tell me until 3 years ago . don't know if to tell them this as may make things worse. Even tho they will read them. Im ready to fight them as long as I don't freeze up at the time. Will take ur advice. Let u kn how I get on . Cheers. Mike
YAY!!!! I'm so happy that you won your appeal, Andy! You deserve it for sure. If I helped you be prepared and feel like you had a right to get in there and get what you deserve, then that makes me extremely happy!