Does anyone know if you have just been put on jsa from incapacity benefit can you still receive dla,or do you have to give up dla even thou you think your not well enough to work. Thankyou.
can you be on jsa,and still claim dla. - Fibromyalgia Acti...
can you be on jsa,and still claim dla.

Hi Jane52,
The short answer is yes.
DLA is not a means tested benefit and cannot be taken into account when assessing any other benefits.
As FibroAction are a professional member of Benefits & Work, they can email you any of their guides that you need, free.
So go to the main Fibro Action site and send them an email
Hope that helps, happy hugs, kate
i am so glad u asked this questions, i am on incapacity and dla, know there doing changes on incapacity.. but.............. what i dont get is. how can they say on one hand ur unable to work and be on high mobility and care, where u need constant help, u need help showering, cooking, help during the night to move u because ur so stiff u cant urself, to be taken to the toilet..... think u get it... then on the other saying... ur not getting incapacity cause ur able to work... this is my story and i am dreading the fight i have ahead of me explaining that i cant work.. i want to.. i hate what hand i have been dealt with in life.. but what can i do.. like many fibro sufferers, we have to keep fighting this... sorry if this sounds blunt its not meant to be... hope ur all well.. gently hugs to u all xxx
I know what you mean,my aunt has just been taken off incapacity benefit and put into the work related group for esa,somedays she is so bad like today she cannot move and just wants to sleep,she had no medical just filled in a form.She has to go next week for first appointment with an advisor at job centre and knows its only a matter of time before she has to go on jsa.She does receive dla middle rate care and low rate mobility,and thats why she wanted to know if she can still claim dla once she goes onto jsa.I cant understand it.Really you have to lie then to claim jsa and say your fit for work even thou your not otherwise you wont get any benefit.
DLA and any other benefit are not connected... DLA is not about your ability to work. Some people with disabilities... ok fibro doesn't fit into this catergory.... are able to maintain some kind of employment whilst requiring the support needed for Higher Rate DLA. While this seems like a complete paradox to most people it does happen.
The criteria to be fit for SOME FORM OF EMPLOYMENT and the criteria for DLA are different.
You may need help doing the personal care elements of DLA, HOWEVER you may also be able to work, in say a call center, with the adaptations you would be entitled to under the Equality and Human Rights Act......
It does not work for a condition that has the inherent fatigue that we suffer, hence why it does not make sense to us.
Again - the answer is yes.
There are people on DLA who work.
DLA is an allowance paid to cover extra expenses incurred just through being disabled.
Many people depend on their mobility allowance to get to work, for example.