when dwp sent a doctor out to see me never in my wildest dream, would i have thought his report would go in my favour haha sorry dwp, i first applied for dla in july and they turned me down straight away, it was only when i was appealing esa support at m tribunal that the judge asked me if i claimed dla told her i did but i was turned down, she told me on the quiet as shes not supposed to that i should send them a copy of the latest dwp doctors report as in her opinion i should be getting dla, so i photocopied it and sent it to them, in the meantime i lost my appeal supposing due to they had to award me from april as that was when i asked esa to look at my claim again, and not july where i would of won??? appealing now against the appeal, well anyway i received dla letter today and yes been awarded higher mobility and highest care yippeee all thanks to that lovely dwp doctor, it back fired on them this hahahaha. and its back dated from july, just have my fight now with esa.
lots of love xxx