Hello I've just got a book and he has explained about pain rebound where if painkillers are taken then when the effects wear out the same pain returns as a rebound effect and that's why the pain is difficult to treat. Has anyone else heard of this theory?
Has anyone heard of pain rebound - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Has anyone heard of pain rebound
Nope. Sounds daft to me, but then FM would have sounded daft to me if I hadn't experience of it! I now understand my sister better. She has ME.
I too have got some books about FM and they contradict each other even though they are by fm sufferers!
Its a good question to pose and I think we should all ask the questions that resolve any confusion. Thanks for asking it.
Soft hugs
They seem to have reached different theories and there are missing links I've noticed - with this book it's about him not focussing on the sleep disorder properly, skimming over it. Interesting though. I just take out the pieces which I want.
I'm still in disbelief about FM -
Thank you - I'll look further into this - there are so many theories.

I have heard of it too. My GP instructed me to take paracetamol round the clock, not to wait for another headache to come along. I've found that to be very effective. Tramadol round the clock also helps.
hi no i havent heard of it ???? love diddle x
Rebound headaches yes, as Lynn mentioned. So it is possible. But AFAIK that is more with your body either getting dependent on the medication (as you would with caffeine) or the medication causing a symptom as a side effect (e.g. a side effect of codeine can be headaches).
It wouldn't really be a cause of Fibro pain. And pain management experts are generally agreed that pain is best controlled with analgesics if they are taken regularly, rather than waiting for the pain to peak. Pain sets up neurochemical, stress and tension reactions in your body that makes it then harder to control.
Hi, I don't know what AFAIK stand for.
He wasn't saying that it would a cause of Fibro pain. The author spoke on the antidote to being in pain was to move gently and listen to your body.
This has cleared my understanding a bit on the pain being best cotrolled with analgesics if they are taken regularly, rather than waiting for the pain to peak. As this was my way of thinking to take something when the pain has peaked.
There's alot to think about thank you very much for your comments.

Hi Reflections,
I'm not keen on acronyms myself, someone once said to me 'if there is one thing that's free it's the English Language, so there is no need to economize'.
Anyhow, I believe AFAIK means As Far As I Know
happy hugs, kate