Went to doctor on Friday found it was a locum. I had to go over my history and with fibro fog, that was no mean feat!! After discussing the copious amounts of medication that I was on, he started talking about other medications and reasons for having fibromyalgia. Two of the things that I can remember was "Substance P' and "Tropisetron" I feel that I"m oblidged to go back to the doctor and hopefully get some answers!
Has anyone heard of "Substance P" and... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Has anyone heard of "Substance P" and "Tropisetron"?

Hello Freya19,
Substance P is a chemical that is excitable to pain, that transmits pain signals from the sensory nerves to the central nervous system. People with Fibromyalgia are reported in some publications I've read, to have 3 times as much Substance P compared to healthy individuals. Please see the link to our website for other key findings;
Key findings include:
• Increased levels of the pain-transmitting chemicals substance P and nerve growth factor in the spine(Lindsey Middlemiss Founder /Trustee of FibroAction 2009)
You may find this interesting 'The Science of Fibromyalgia' by Daniel J. Clauw, MD et al
Tropisetron is a serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonist used mainly as an antiemetic to treat nausea and vomiting following chemotherapy, although it has been used experimentally as an analgesic in cases of fibromyalgia (Wikipedia)
Here is one research article about Tropisetron
People with Fibro are reported to have lower levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and others.
Fibro is sometimes called a central sensitisation syndrome. Abnormal processing by the central nervous system causes the pain amplification that people with Fibro experience. The changes in the neuroendocrine/neurotransmitter systems also explain many of the other Fibro symptoms (Lindsey Middlemiss Founder /Trustee of FibroAction 2009)
In my personal opinion (no FibroAction hat on) this may start to explain the recent research with Tropisetron as it is a serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, as to why it may be helping people with Fibro as I assume it works to increase serotonin?????
(I don't know ). You would need to read about the pharmacological action of this as a medication to be able to possibly even start to understand the research in this respect.
Interesting post Thank You very much Freya19, hope this information has helped a little.
Best Wishes
FibroAction Administrator
Thank you so much for your response. Lots of links to read up on.
No problems, this locum GP seems to know a lot about Fibromyalgia ! I wonder would you be able to ask if they would like to be listed on our Fibro Friendly Healthcare professionals if he/she is based somewhere? Any information like this helps others living with Fibro find Doctors who have good understanding.
Were you surprised this locum appeared to be so knowledgable?
I was very surprised by his knowledge. I live in a small rural town in the highlands of Scotland and at the moment we have no doctor, it's being locum doctors that we have been seeing for the past year. Each time you visit the doctor it's someone new and you have to give your history over and over. It's quite tiresome, so much so I dread going to the doctor, simply for that reason. I just hope that the doctor is still here and if he is, I will certainly ask him if he will put his name forward.
Great Thank You, he must have worked within Rheumatology recently I expect and possibly in a large hospital I assume. Otherwise have an interest in Fibromyalgia by the sounds of it. You didn't fall off the chair then???!!
Seriously tho' that is very good to hear. Let's get this much needed awareness out there !
To all members, Don't forget to email us for an awareness pack for your GP surgery or local hospital, info@fibroaction.org
You can also buy our Awareness bands to not only spread awareness but support FibroAction too. If you wish to purchase here is the link;
Together we can make a difference !
FibroAction Administrator
wow I think it is fantastic that this locum appears to know plenty about fibro and I would certainly want to see hm again.
I have read a bit about Substance P, but I'm going to read your links too M, thank you, it is all very interesting
Freya, how lovely to find a locum that has such understanding and wanting too learn more about our condition. I hope he stays in your practice for some time and that you are able to see him again
Foggy x
Went this morning to see the doctor only to be told that the doctor has gone and won't be back for at least 6 months!! Hopefully the new one will be as good as the last. Will be going up soon, but will have all the necessary info on the subject! Wish me luck.
Google them. Eat bananas. Amega3 & take 'phyto' supplements also Elevit.