Do you take any vitamins and/or supplements to help with your Fibro?
Thank you
Do you take any vitamins and/or supplements to help with your Fibro?
Thank you
Hi! A lot of people have a vitamin K deficiency when you have fibro, but I would honestly recommend seeing your doctor before taking any vitamins or supplements as they can sometimes interfere with the medication you're already taking.
I personally take evening primrose oil, cod liver oil for PMT and my joints and ginko biloba, but have ok'd these with my doctor first. I'm getting my vitamin K levels checked when I see the doctor on Friday.
Hope this helps a little, but please see your doctor before taking anything extra x
I do take vitamin D, my Dr. recommended it,x
I take the boots a-z vitimans along with vitiman c and an omega 3, 6 and 9 capsule.
I take the a- z to stop cravings for certain foods ie chocolate and crisps.
Vitiman C I take to prevent colds
The Omega 3,6, and 9 I take for my eyes. x
hi if i were you i would go to see your gp then he ca give you blood test etc to see if you are lacking in anything love diddle x
Hello every one better afternoon than this morning
the problems with taking vit k it makes your blood
clot so you have to be careful what you take
Hi there I take Vit D and Zinc I feel that they do help.I have noticed my nails are stronger.worth trying these.
Thanks all I will ask my GP when I see him later in the week. Thanks for all your help
Hey, I know this is an old post but I wonder if you had a proper answer from your GP regarding vitamins. Mine refuses to get into that except for vitamin D.