i started filling out my renewal dla form today.. it took me 5 hours and i still am not finished.... its terrible.... no wonder i prob be in bed all tomorrow... do they know how much that takes out of a disabled person especially fibro/ME...... what do u all think of this form...
5 years and still not finished - Fibromyalgia Acti...
5 years and still not finished
quick answer they dont understand at all i jus hope they never get it love diddle
My goodness, 5 years Diane! I hope you get some help with this soon, as mentioned above the CAB are brilliant at helping fill forms in especially DLA forms. Let us know how you get on, best of luck to you!
You have to understand this form was deisgned for anyone with a disability, so they could have ahd a stroke, born disabled in some way, blind, been in a car accident that left them disabled. Use the site mentioned above, benefits and work, its a great site, I used it and found it a great help. Remember when completing your form, its not about your illness but about what you can and can't do for yourself, can you shower ok, make a meal ok, dress youself !!
Good luck with yor claim.
it took me 3 mnths to fill mine...........it came last november, and i sent it bk on my b.day 9th jan......i just couldnt get my head round it...i was seeing double looking at it and stress levels were horendouse...i had headache every time i looked at it....BUT i did get again for 3 yrs...when the answer came i almost colapsed. stress phutttttttt wish them lot had it who decides who gets it and who doesnt.....xxxxxxxxxx
ha ha... my god i did put 5 years.. see... my brain was well frazzled by the time i posted that.. thanks for pointing it out lol..... will try that website.. thanks again xx