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18 Replies

Well i have got it all now my teeth are actually hurting it is not like a tooth ache it is diffrerent to that has anyone else had this surely someone has ? i cant believe this lol love diddle x

18 Replies
Annie52 profile image

Hi Diddle,

Yep had that plus my jaw on one side & I get funny tremors when it sort of shakes from side to side very fast. SPOOKy or what. How's your pains at the mo? Mine are YUK. My bad times seem to be getting closer together & lasting longer. We are a sad lot. Wish I had a magic wand for us all. Take us all to a nice warm dry place where we could just relax with a long Pina Colada laying there spotting the beef cake.

Take care Soft Hugs.

in reply to Annie52

same as you been in a bad place for weeks now love diddle x

jazher profile image

Yes diddle, mine do.

I think its from me clenching them all the time, and grinding them in my sleep. I know i am doing it but cant stop it.

hugs, kel xxxx

MissKittycat profile image

I thought it was just me!!!! I find when my pain is getting bad I clench my teeth, and that starts my teeth aching... The only time I don't is after I've taken my meds...

Hmmm got me thinking now!

Hope you guys have a good day x

Mel68 profile image

I get pain in my teeth n jaw n eyes when i get flare ups Its horrid and can last a few days Its Just part of the symptoms hugs x

GrumpyG profile image

Hi Diddle

I have the same problem. You're best to go to your Dentist for a diagnosis. I clench/grind my teeth which causes the muscles in my jaw to go into spasm it's called Temporal Mandible joint dysfunction. Make sure that they are aware of your fibro before having any treatment.

I was sent to specialist who recommended a soft splint. Hope this helps.

Gentle hugs xxx


lynz profile image

been suffering with this for years ,i clench and grind my teeth all day and all night ,i have a guard for night time ,

ive actually ground away two teeth !

go to dentist to put your mind at rest diddle xxxx

MissKittycat profile image

Have just tried this Lynn and it seems to be working! Will keep on and see what happens. Thank you for this! xx

jayjay profile image

Hi diddle, yes all the time, and i also grind my teeth throughout my sleep and have done so for years now, i had a very bad experience at the dentist last year,i had a tooth removed and i felt every bit of pain and it took the dentist over an hour to get the tooth out, he said he had also over dosed me with the injection,but i was in tears and it felt awful,my dentist i had for 30+ years had retired, i never had any worrys about going to my appointments every 6months and haveing anythink done because i had a good dentist who i trusted and he also listened to me. I was sent to this last dentist by the hospital emergency dept, never again, but i have decided this week to book into a new dentist although after my last experience i'm now terrified now :-( any tips from anyone would be greatly appricieated when chooseing a new dentist........ Thanks xxxxx

thanks all of you feel better now i know thanks for exersizes that will be only exersize i do lol love diddle x

Ang01 profile image

Hi Diddle, I have this problem but my dentist is unable to find anything wrong. He suggested I use a sensitive toothpaste and this does seem to help. I use Colgate pro relief, it is more expensive than ordinary paste but I dont mind that if I get some relief. I do think though its just another thing we have to put up with!! xx

Hello Diddle, yes I get toothache, cheek ache, a neuralgia like pain in my face. I don't get it all the time, but if I'm in the middle of a particularly bad flare-up of my Fibro that's when the face pains and toothache starts. I was prescribed Co-Codamol for this type of pain and fortunately it helps a lot. There is no way we need toothache and facial pains on top of our usual symptoms. There is help out there for this type of pain. :)

Fificat profile image

Yes me too. I once had it so badly it went on for four months..I really was at my wit's end and then it went as suddenly as it came. By this time I had done the rounds of specialists and was about to give up. for me it was acupuncture that helped plus I get needles left in my ear lobes at the analgesic points...helps loads. I still get short burst of it..starts with mild pins and needles in cheek and builds up to really bad pain. Hang on in there it WILL go eventually!

thankyou love diddle x

My teeth and gums tend to flare up with awful pain in the early evenings - I crush up one of my Co-Codamols and rub it into my gums...blessed relief! Gentle hugs

oh havent tried that thanks locve to you diddle x

miakenzi profile image

my teeth hurt and aslo when im eating my gums hurt it feels like its burning and its the same no matter what i eat ,also have problems try to swallow

Rosamond profile image

Have read all the comments about this subject. So you may be interested in the following. My daughter for years would grinned her teeth in her sleep. Then a few months ago she had a terrible pain shoot through her right side of face the pain so bad she now on morphine , specialist told her she could have Trigeminal Nauralgia (TN) which is all to do with nerve endings, the tables she has been prescribed makes her sleepy but at least she has little pain when she sleeps. When awake she has problems eating because the pain is so bad and she is unable to chew her food. At first she thought it was a bad tooth, but dentist told her she had perfect teeth for a 42 year old woman. And it was her dentist who first diagnosed TN as she was not being taken seriously by her GP and kept being fobbed off with pain killers, so the dentist stepped in as he could see she needed help fast. TN happens when there is pressure on the Trigeminal nerve in the brain. Really hope all of you do not have this but if pain gets so bad please get it checked out by GP. God bless. xx

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