Morning everyone, what a week! Not feeling too bad today, had some good things happen this week, and some bad. The bad one was my washing machine going pop, but got a new one delivered this morning, already got second load in! Thank you Zannusi!
Friday I went to see my doctor as had the letter from the pain clinic with suggestions about my meds. Now on Nortryptaline and Duloxatine, and Tramadol for pain. Thus far seem to be working, though feeling a little spaced out but thats not a bad thing! But that could also be due to my neighbour coming home at 4am and putting his music on, haven't slept since.
Yesterday got home to find letters from the council to say I've been put on too high a council tax rate and they have knocked some off... yay! Its come at the right time...
Just writing some letters to my penpals, then will have a lay down and watch Formula 1 with my better half Lenn, we are both petrol heads! I will probably fall asleep though... but hey, I've done a lot this morning!
Have a great day everyone xxxxx lots of gentle hugs to you all xxxxx