After alot of soul searching, research and advice i thought i would share what i am about to embark on in an attempt to try and beat this condition into submission. After pulling the muscle in my shoulder last week i went to see my local fitness trainer, she is a qualified in alot of disciplines, life coaching, clinical nutrition and personal training to name but a few as well as massage which is why i went to see her. During my treatment we talked at length about the horrors of my illness and how it affects me not just physically but mentally and the other illnesses that are secondary to this condition such as my reynauds.
I feel that there is alot of sense in what we have discussed as well as the advice i have been given over the years by medical professionals and family and friends......i am not taking many drugs now (at least when I can cope) i am going to be getting some serious nutritional advice as well as starting a fitness routine at a pace that suits me because my trainer is well versed in my condition and will be able to advise me when i am over doing it.
I believe that the key to gaining some control over this illness will be eating right and exercising, easier said than done I am sure many of you are thinking but that and cognitive behaviour therapy I am hoping will really point me in the right direction.
I will keep you all posted and am sure there will be many setbacks along the way but eventually the bad days will be outweighed by the good and the good will become a regular thing instead of the other way around. I hope to be able to report good things back to you's hoping!!!
hugs and chins up...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx