Since starting Sertraline I have found my pain to be worse and it is harder coz I really miss taking amitriptyline. Don't know if I can use both. This pain is horrible hey? I wish all of you the best today coz we all know how each of us feel and can relate. Wish there was a cure!! xx
My limbs are so sore.: Since starting... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
My limbs are so sore.

Hi frotbanana,
I couldnt do without my amitriplyn i dread the day the doc tells me i have to go without them.
Also i take gabapentin for nerve pain and that is a godsend to me.
It might not suit you but its worth looking up just thought i would share.
kel xxx
Hi Kel
Thanks. My doctor refuses to give me anything like gabapentin coz he doesn't believe in Fybro as an illness. He thinks it is caused by depression, hence I can only get anti-depress at this stage. I am going to check if I can take the amitrip at night and the sertraline in the morning. Maybe that would help me. I am also going to try and change GPs. Take care of yourself x
Hi,Im Carol and I have Fibro AND depression (amongst other things).I take Sertraline in the mornings and Amitriptyline at night.No probs for me. I stopped the Amitiriptyline for about a year to see if I could do without it,but hardly slept at all.Most Im back on it now and sleeping like a log,though I still wake up "fuzzy" and tired.Cant win!! Hope you get sorted.
Where do they get these gps from honestly arghhh.
So sorry he doesnt believe, maybe he should have it ehh.
I wish you good luck at finding a new one that actually will help you.
kel xxx
Off the Sertraline now and took Amitriptyline last night (40mg) felt so much better this morning. Yes I also feel rather fuzzy and tired but at least the pain is numbed somewhat. I think Sertraline must be quite good for depression, but somehow doesn't work for pain like Amitriptyline and of course I do sleep better with Amitriptyline. However, I don't take it every night, only when it is too unbearable for me coz I'm so scared of resistance as I did start on 20mg and had to increase it over time.
Hi there, thank you. I did see a Rheumatologist and she diagnosed me with Fibro and at the time the GPs I saw were on sides. I moved and so got new GPs but only recently did they make themselves clear about not accepting Fibro as an illness. I am going to try to get back to my old GP even though it is further away. You are so right because I am now unable to even discuss this with my GP if he is not on board.