Lost My Appeal at Tribunal and feel s... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Lost My Appeal at Tribunal and feel so low

cazza3770 profile image
11 Replies

I went for my tribunal yesterday for my appeal for dla as i was put on low rate care 10 months ago, i hated it every moment and i wish i had never put myself through it infact i wish 10 month ago i had never wrote to them as the law states to let them know my condition had got worse! I felt all they were intersted in is how i manage on my "better days" and choose to ignore that i am only left on my own when i am able to cope by myself which is about 2 days a weeks sometimes not that. But because when they ask me when i dont get help do i manage to get out of bed to go to the toilet, yes the answer i do but with a struggle and with pain but thats on my good day! Im so low cant stop crying and just hate the fact i am like i am i wish they would get this illness and then see how it is, right now i wish i wasnt here beam me up please scottie

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cazza3770 profile image
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11 Replies
munchkin62 profile image

oh cazza I really feel for you I have had to appeal my last 2 dla applications and know how awful it is sitting there being judged by people who do not know you it like being on trial ive also got a re application coming up due to them putting me down to low mobility last time and I can hardly walk now but to say im scare is putting it mildly xx

cazza3770 profile image

I know, take someone with you if you can for support, i felt rushed under pressure and at the end when they asked was there anything i wanted to add i just said no, its not until afterwards when you think about whats been said and try to make sense of it all that you want to say things, i struggle taking it all in and i think they should give you ten minutes to sit and think. They tell you they only want info relating back to the date of your claim but then its ok for them to bring things up that are not within that date! It does feel like a criminal trial like they are trying to catch you out its horrible never again. My welfare rights officer is applying for statement of reasons but no way am i putting myself through another appeal they have done enough damage with this one. Good luck chick try to stay calm dont let them bully you, and dont answer any questions until you have sat and thought about what they are asking hope you have better luck then me xxx

I sympathise I only get low rate care dla I have arthritis so my OH heaves me out of bed in the morning as I have seized up they ignore all of that so I just take my low rate dla and don't bother ....

VG x

chrissy57 profile image

Hi cazza I really do know what you are going through. Despite my symptoms getting worse and being on permanent morphine, my dla was reduced from middle to lower rate. I appealed and stressed about it for over a year that I had to wait and during the actual hearing felt I was on a criminal trial and felt humiliated throughout the whole session. I was even reduced to tears. I knew before they told me that my appeal had been refused and like you I cried and felt lower than I can ever remember feeling. On top of having my dla reduced I now have to find £20 a week for council and bedroom tax and sometimes feel what is the point. I am sorry you too are going through this and can only say try and be brave and if you feel strong enough spply to a higher tribunal as I am. Gentle hugs babe x

cazza3770 profile image

Thank you so much for your lovely words its a strange old world isnt it, im not strong enough to fight another im just gonna leave it at that now and struggle along cutting corners. Very best wishes to you xx

jjojay profile image

How many times can you appeal,, I think you can appeal again,,,

cjw064 profile image

Hi Cazza,

I know its annoying for you to have lost your appeal. You need to sit back take a few breaths LoL and say to yourself has your condition deteriorated since the original claim. If the answer is yes put another claim in on this basis but remember if your in the Trial areas you will need to claim Personal Independence payment instead.

Good luck :)

Liam Carter

Senior Case Manager

My benefit Claim


cazza3770 profile image
cazza3770 in reply to cjw064

Thank you i will talk to my welfare officer when i am feeling a bit stronger and stopped crying!

cjw064 profile image

Good luck Cazza

Liam Carter

Senior case manager

My Benefit Claim.


cazza3770 profile image
cazza3770 in reply to cjw064

Hello again, can you help fight a claim/appeal or help with new claims if appeal turned down? My welfare officer didnt come with me to my tribunal and i think it would have helped if he had been there, the questions they asked seem to centre around my "good" days and when i was on my own without help how did i manage did i manage to get out of bed to use the toilet etc, what they didnt realise is that i am only left alone when i feel i can manage which at the moment has been maybe 1-2 days and nights a week. I answered honestly that yes i do manage to get out of bed to the toilet all be it slow and sometimes painfull, yes i do manage to drive my car to visit my parents 45 minutes away but what they dont know is that i take someone with me and i had a friend put on my car insurance just incase my pain was bad and i couldnt drive but after my dla went down i couldnt afford to keep it up so my visits to my parents are now once a month if that or i rely on my friends where my parents live to come and pick me up, none of this i told them as i felt under pressure i felt they were not interested and twisted everything i said anyway i gave up half way through. Hope to hear from you soon

cjw064 profile image

Cazza I sent you a message.

Liam Carter

Senior Case Manager

My benefit Claim


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