does anyone suffer bouts of extreme n... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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does anyone suffer bouts of extreme nightmares from time to time?

14 Replies

very vivid and scary, normally takes me 15 mins after waking to calm down and become orientated agan?

can happen very infrequently.

14 Replies
Twiglet profile image

Yes me, really horrible and so real. If I try to go back to sleep when they wake me up it just starts again.

Had a dreadful one the other night in which I was screaming for my parter. Woke myself up actally saying his name...took me a min too realise the person I could hear was me!!

thanks Tiglet, thats exactly how i would describe them. real!!

i am having episodes at moment i have also noted also get painful headaches on the right side of head during these periods too. different type of headaches i associate with my fibro normally which are normally like strong migraine.

the headache pain when nightmares are happening is like a soreness on the right hand side of my head.

i am not sure as they do not happen monthly, but i feel they may be hormonal or blood suger linked? eoidsodes can last for a couple of days to about a week. what do you think twiglet?

the nightmares can be so horrific and feel so real i wake shouting and or in tears x my husband and family have all witnessed them.

ps because of them my gp is constantly looking at my blood sugars but they are always normal by time of test. also i do not suffer from diabetics? ! ?

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i obviously feel extreme aniexty when waking at these times. but aniety fades after a short while of being awake.

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ps my cognitives are at their very worse during these epidsodes too. feels like your going mad for a while. scary for the family too, especially my children x

dawny profile image

hi happe and twiglet i too have such awful vivid nightmares where i am shouting for someone to wake me up but the words wont come out. Likewise twiglet if i wake and go back to sleep the nightmare just starts again. many a time i have fought going to sleep cos its easier to be knackered than go back into the dream. i guess its because we only have r.e.m sleep and not the full blown deep sleep we all need. i wish all of us a propar decent sleep xxxxx

Twiglet profile image

Dont know if there is any link to blood sugars but my diet is a bit hit and miss. I do oftrn wake with a headache but honestly dont know if thats part of it too. Will have to try to make a note of when I get them and see if I can find any commom denominators. Will post if there seems to be xx

hi twiglet, read up on hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). when you suffer sever hypoglycemia your brain which operates on sugars from bloods alone, when severely/chronically studies show the pancreas is not functioning properly and stops producing hormones which are responsible for managing blood sugar levels. would love to know your views on this.

Twiglet profile image

Hi Happe, it defo something to consider. I do get really bad sugar cravings which I never used to before the FM. I know when I had my bloods done everything came back normal but I suppose it maybe that it dips badly and thats why I get the cravings. I will try to take note of wether the cravings are worse when Im getting nightmares. I usally get them for 3/4 nights in a row when they start.

in reply to Twiglet

ditto xxx

AriadneJones profile image

I have horrendous, freaky nightmares where I wake up feeling anxious. I've always had reaky dreams but these are horrific and the awful feeling stays with me for a long time afterwards.

in reply to AriadneJones

hi aridnejones, agreed absolutely the worse. ready below i apologies as meant to include you in this also. this is the first time i have seen suffers talking about this. i wonder how many more there are?

AriadneJones profile image

Reaky dreams.? Lol I mean freaky dreams!

twiglet i used to prefer savory but after readng article by dr sarah myhll on hypoglycemia i recognized how this had changed without me realizing. every-time i sent to local shop to petrol station i had developed a habit of buying a chocolate treat. the bran feds on sugar only so if you have acute hypoglycemia your brain triggers your systemic system as it is beng starved of sugar. it explains this is why you wake in fear and heightened anxiety.

there was a lot of other symptoms this articular like damage to the very small arteries. since ill i suffer really dry skin especially my feet and hands. i have to see chiropodist every month as my feet split and this creates another type of pain. ouch.

although i was buyng a chocolate bar i was still very consciousness of the need to eat our 5 a day and litlle if any processed foods.

i could not understand how i was putting on weight, my twiin who is healthy eats more than me and is a size 10. dr myhill explains that the body is in survival mode and therefore converts everything you each to fats. go to

she s the only doctor whom has done tests thorough main laboratories and bio chemists and found a great number of abnormal results compared to healthy level in healthy patients.

you know they said last year national press about a cure for type 2 diabetic well dr myhll has been saying change your diet and you can be cured of type 2 diabetic for years. look at her sight and let me know what you think.? LOL xx

Twiglet profile image

Hi Happe,

only just saw your last bit, I always used to prefer savory too. Looking back sweet tooth started about same time as some other symptons.

Will have a look at Dr Myhills site.

Gentle hugs :)

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