can any one what they take for there osteoarthritis and I’ve had to stop pain killer dr give as it course bad for heart.dr at the hospital say there No more we can do ,I though omg.he said I’ve had injections that never work.morphine which I could not take side effects.just don’t think doctors are helpful when your in a lot of pain.and you need a good listening that’s helps.but No.
pain osteoarthritis.: can any one what... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
pain osteoarthritis.

I went to my GP when co-codamol stopped working on the osteoarthritis in my hip. I couldn't get to sleep at night because my leg hurt so much. She said I needed more codeine than I was getting in co-codamol, so calculated how much paracetamol and codeine I should take for effective pain relief and I now have the codeine prescribed separately. It's been really effective, especially at night, when I think tiredness makes the pain harder to deal with. I was very cautious to start with, because there was a lot of stuff in the news about painkiller addiction in the US, but have gradually realised that it's sometimes a good idea to take the meds to prevent the pain starting up.
I was on neproxen but was taken off it as its not ideal to keep taking it ,i was not given anything else for the pain as i am already on paracetamol,codeine and gabapentin ,the only other thing i do when the pain gets bad is use ibuprofen gel on my hips and a hot water bottle ,i hope you feel some relief from pain soon its not easy to live with xxxx
Hi jayne I was recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knees, in addition to my fibromyalgia. I was given naproxen which I only take if I'm going out on a longish walk, not everyday. I take codeine and paracetamol off the doctor if I can't cope with pain at home especially of a night. X
I know just what you mean, all I can get is the injection every 6 months and use ibuprofen gel but I bought some bee venom online and this does seem to help me.. I don't know how but I use it 3 times a day on my knees
be No more injections for me as they don’t work.
bee venom I never new that was for pain.I order on line cbd gel.
Hi Jaynefox, so sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. I have severe osteoarthritis of the spine, there is no cartlidge left. My doctor has prescribed Duloxetine 120mg, which at this dose acts as a pain killer. I have gabapentin 900mg on prescription, again for pain. I am also prescribed ibuprofen gel 10% 3 times a day and I take paracetamol on top of these.
To be honest they don't take the pain away but they take the edge off for a short time. My hot water bottle helps and comforts me. I don't truly know what would provide proper pain relief. Maybe someone else could tell us.
If you haven't tried a hot water bottle I would recommend it. You might want to try magnesium salts in a bath. Take care of yourself, God bless, Elaine xx 😘🙏
My osteoarthritis on my back hips and as as be very bad last 4’s now made me very depressed thinking this is it there No way im not good as all.that all because of pain stoping me walking the the end it does your mental health in.your mind thinks all sorts.can’t even focus.
we’re do I get magnesium salts from,thank you.
I get mine (epsom salts) from a company called Hexeal. My functional nutritionist recommended it. It's pharmaceutical grade and she recommends 250gms. You can put it in your bath or a footbath if you want, have a soak for 20 mins. It's a good way of absorbing magnesium and can help with sleep if you have a bath before you go to bed.
brilliant, I will try this myself I have a lot of medicine to help with pain but nothing to try to help with sleep I suffer terribly with bad sleep patterns and insomnia. Who knows it may help and anything is worth a try . Hope you have a relaxing pain free weekend - take care
You're welcome, I hope this helps. I also have insomnia and I do all the usual sleep hygiene things, but I discovered a guy called Michael Sealey who has many hypnosis recordings on YouTube and they are free! He's a hypnotherapist as well as an actor and has a great voice. He's easy to find on Google. I find his stuff very helpful, he deals with sleep, anxiety, pain etc. The recordings last anything from 15 mins to 8 hours! I'm actually qualified as a hypnotherapist and I'm impressed with his stuff. I'd be interested to know how you get on with the epsom salts and the hypnosis if you decide to try it.
Forgot to say Hexeal are online and will deliver, I think it's good value. I buy in bulk directly from them not via Amazon which is more expensive.

Hello , sorry too read of your pain , I am 63 years and feel like the tin woman , I am currently using a Cannabi hemp cream I order online, it really does help with my fibro, arthritis. Osteoporosis, I use some days a strong ibuprofen tablet 400mg that you can only take 3 in a 24hour period . It’s hard isn’t it too find ways too keep us going day too day , the cold damp weather certaintly aggregates me for sure. I think unless a doctor has gone through something like this themselves they certainly can’t gage the pain some people are in. (If trying anything new always run it by your pharmacist or doctor) glad we can all have a chat here, take care .
My consultant has told me to use ibuprofen gel, I use it 3 to 5 times a day as I have trouble getting around on a bad day