Hi have anyone seen this latest report from the jmc it states that anyone taking amyttipteline has a higher chance of developing dementia. It knocked me back abit when i read it because my mum had dementia and my grandad(her dad) had dementia. I have wondered for a while that is it something that could run in our family. I hope this report is either false or not quiet true.
amytriptaline: Hi have anyone seen this... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Yes, I have read many articles on this. I was given amitriptyline to start with but stopped taking it for that reason as dementia runs in my family sadly. I believe doctors won't prescribe it to anyone over 60 for this reason also.
I am 70 and I get Amitriptyline on prescription, I take 50mg every evening. Maybe it's the higher doses they won't prescribe to over 60's.
i take 70mg of amitriptyline and have for a few years for fibromyalgia, I don't don't get complete relief so my GP swapped me to duloxatine, not good on that then progabline and not good on that. I also tried gabapentin which was working really well for me then blow me down.. my eyeballs literally started to shake and to my disappointment was taken off it. I am now back on amitriptyline 😔
Yes. I have been on amitriptyline for 25 years but now my doc said I had to try something else cos of the risks. I tried pre gabalin which was awful. I am now back on amitriptyline with my docs approval. I think it depends on the dose. I am on 20mg. What are you on?
That’s so annoying because all the meds I take can cause dementia, I’m talking about gabapentin and tizanidine. Very sad
i am 62 and have been on Amytryptiline for a very long time at one stage 240mg i am currently on 100 mg and Gabapentin for phantom pain after having my leg removed in July. It's quite concerning to read this.
I have been on amitryptiline since 1997 but in recent years I only took 10mg. I am nearly 80 but have recently stopped it due to very dry mouth which had become worse.
I only take 10mg a night I’m hoping that’s ok as it seems to help me !! If I’m feeling stressed and can’t sleep I may take another but rarely!! I try to keep meds to absolute minimum as I think I’m worse on them !!
I have taken amitriptyline 25mg for 24 years.My Nan, Uncle, Cousin and Dad died of Dementia.
I am anxious to come off because it helps me sleep.
Are there any other medications I could change to that would help me sleep?
He. Bert jolly. I am wondering the same. Doc wants me off of Amitriptyline but am anxious to try other meds. I tried pre gabalin but I felt really weird on it so went back to amitriptyline. Thinking of trying gabapentin. Does anyone know if it works. I also have ibs.
Hi Gingers. Funny actually as a couple of weeks ago I'd spoken to a different GP concerning a different issue and mentioned I'd been on Amitriptyline for a very long time.
What's Gabapentin?
I tried pregablin think I was ok but think it affected me not sleeping. X
I've been on Amitriptyline for 20 years, I take 90mg. I didn't want to come off it bc it's helps me sleep, even with it I sleep badly. I'm now another drug that's just for sleep called Quiviq, I've managed to come down to 50mg of Amitriptyline while taking Quiviq. I've been on both for 6 months now atleast, but my sleep is getting worse again so I've gone up to 60mg. But it still might be worth asking about?
was given it for fibro when I was first diagnosed …initially it helped ease pain and helped sleep then it really messed with my head far too much so I came off it.
Amitriptyline started off as an antidepressant, but in a very much higher dose, in comparison we are taking a much lower dose. The fact of it is there is something linked to every single drug we take. I love my amitriptyline without it I can't sleep so I'm not going to give it up or lower my dose I'm on 50 mg, and have been for years. We are now living much longer than our bodies actually want to and most of it is down to medications. My attitude is you need to live for today because if you're in pain all the time then what's the point. Live for today and be as happy and comfortable as you can. Try and be as positive and upbeat as you can because worrying and being stressed makes our fibromyalgia worse.Christmas 🎄 decoration time!!🎄 Yaaay whoop whoop!!🎉
Interesting. A bit worrying, but I don't know enough to know how much to worry. I've been on it for a few years now to help with pain. No idea if it's really helped... I'm only taking 10mg each night.
I'm in total agreement with KMatrix. Have to live life best we can and accept it for what it is. So pleased with result on assisted dying.
When it comes to prescription meds, we are talking about dangerous substances. The typical Logo associated with the pharmacist is the label, POISIN. I don't think the initial idea of Allopathic meds was for them to be used long term.
I don't think there is a free lunch when it comes to meds. The drugs Fibros are given, are not a cure. We seek relief of symptoms but in reality, we should seek healing the underlying causes. We all know that, right? Sadly, given science has not provided this, we are kinda trapped if we want help, into taking what is on offer? Frankly, I don't think the underlying causes, when they are found, are things that those in authority want us to know about?
It's not possible to look for causes for Fibro, as long as they have been looking, and not have found anything; Just saying? Look at how little funding and therefore research there is for our now very common condition? It's no wonder we get nowhere.
I guess if we take our meds long enough, we will forget the whys and wherefores?
My current take on Fibro is we are products of an unhealthy society; The Canaries, serving as a warning to the others? Only nobody, least of all ourselves, has any clue what we are trying to say?
I hope this research will alert Fibros to the dangers of just swallowing what we are given. We must engage and keep our thinking heads on. When you are damaged by your meds, your Doctors wont take responsibility. There are no do-overs either. Sadly, it is your job, to just suck it up; My experience!
Please fellow fibros, be careful out there. The warnings are there.
It's scary. I take 20mg Amitriptyline to prevent disturbed vision migraines. Without it I get really badly disturbed vision that makes me feel sick multiple times a week. I'm already at risk of developing dementia as my Dad had vascular dementia and both my Mum & Gran had alzheimers......I'm planning to have another conversation with my doctor to see if there are any alternatives. Unfortunately, the transition period from one drug to another is likely to be a nightmare. Within 24 hours of stopping Amitriptyline the migraines start. The Amitriptyline also helps me sleep as I tend to suffer from bad insomnia.
I take Propranolol for migraines as well as Amitriptyline at night and fluoxetine in the morning both for FIBRO. New gp told me to come off all three meds, ALL AT THE SAME TIME, AND STRAIGHT AWAY. No easing off over months, weeks or even days. Stupidly, I did as I was told. Big mistake! Felt really bad, my heart was racing and my balance was all over the place and I felt nauseous and dizzy. I sent mes to GP telling her how awful I felt and had decided to go straight back on all the meds. Never heard back from her! And the medical professionals tell us DO NOT SELF-DIAGNOSE OR MEDICATE. I am taking responsibility and action for myself and researching in depth the best meds taking into account any contraindications and possible side-effects from other meds. At 74 years old I feel I am old enough to make sensible decisions. I agree with a previous comment that we are living longer than our bodies are capable of and most of us are being kept alive artificially and thank God for the proposed Assisted Dying Bill. Let’s hope it goes through. Humanity doesn’t let our beloved pets suffer an agonising long drawn out death so why should we let our fellow human loved ones. Gentle hugs x
It was irresponsible for your Go to tell you to come off all three meds immediately with no tapering. But the question is why did she do this? With no consultation, discussion or plan, this really set you up to fail. I think your best bet is to get a face to face consultation with her and get to the bottom of this. She needs to have some plan of action for you.
Re: the assisted dying bill... I'm 100% for it, so let's be optimistic it will make through the various processes to be written in law.
Take care

This has been discussed a number of times and you can see one of my replies from 3 years agohealthunlocked.com/fibromya...
good morning sorry to hear about your mum and grandfather my grandmother had it horrible isn’t it? So sad to see them like that. I was on the same drug for awhile but my blood pressure went too high so I’m off them now if you’re worried about staying on it and want to come off have a look at LDN it was recommended to me by my neurologist and I have been on it for a year with no issues. I hope this helps.
I've been prescribed it on/off for years for pain and I'm 61 and have been prescribed again. Dementia & Alzhiemersboth sides in family so I had a DNA test as part of a trial and I have no markers for either genetically. Let's face it any of us could get it from anything we take or use if what we read is correct. I've even done the trials for the 30 a day plants, had the real thing not the placebos and felt really good on it for a while would it help? Who knows?!
it’s not just ami meds that can cause dementia, look at others like statins ect mmmm
hi, I was over 60 too when prescribed it but it didn’t suit me… sorry I can’t remember why as have tried many different meds in the past, too many to count