I have been told I may have early onset Dementia, does anyone know if this is connect to Fibro, or completely separate issue ????????
I would imagine it's a completely separate issue, tho' many of us have' fibro-fog' so severely that doctors will investigate for any possibility of dementia.
There is a substantial difference between the confusion and memory loss of fibro-fog and that of dementia such as Alzheimer's, which is best established by a consultant.
Moffy x
I have an under active thyroid as well as fibro , I have been told it is associated with both illnesses as they are all connected, loads if investigation needs to be done .
I worked on an elderly and mentally infirm unit in a nursing home, and the term dementia is a vary complex one, as the mental health nurse it is not cut and dried that you forget things you have Alzhiemers, as there were (at the time) some 20+ different forms of dementia, and which a person develops is known after death if an autopsy is needed and they look at the brain. So I wouldn't be unnecessarily worried at this early stage and just go for the test etc, the time to worry for me will be the time I forget to worry.
Fibro fog you forget and eventually remember , when you don't remember that you are forgetting then its time to worry.. I also don't have an underactive thyroid or vit d or b deficiency ... My word I am healthy..... Goes to rush off the board then remembers I have fibro and I can't rush I have arthritis ... Ahhh well
VG x
There doesn't seem to be any link between fibro and dementia, tho' inevitably as we age, some people with fibro will develop dementia, as will every other section of the population.
VG is right - as long as you are aware of your forgetfulness there is no need to worry - when you can't remember that you've forgotten, there's no need to worry anyway!
I am very healthy too, with only fibro and arthritis to bother me - I rush about as fast as I can - which is pretty slowly, but hey, I get there in my own good time!
Moffy x
I think this maybe a separate issue but it needs specialist diagnosis. Fybro fog is just awful last night I couldn't work out what was wrong with my slippers they just wouldnt sit right and felt awkward, after trying to see if there was socks inside them I stared at my feet for about 5 minutes and realized the slippers were on the wrong foot doh! Refilled tea caddy and next day there were no teabags I wracked my brain as I knew I had filled the container the day before alas I had put teabags in the sugar container, the list is endless sometimes I cant even manage to work out my money in the shops..but I know im not mad just fybro but my kids don't always understand..it is so frustrating. Arghhh! !Nite nite all may angels watch over you all ?