I am feeling really fed up right now. I got diagnosed about 2 weeks ago with pots and then 2 days later was in hospital with kidney stones. Got released just on time to make a family trip to London so had lots of painkillers to get through it but still managed to enjoy it. I came home and went to gp yesterday to get my beta blockers prescription the consultant gave me added to my ever growing list of medication only for the gp to say another one look at my file name out what I am on and ask when is it going to go the other way and I take less. I said I know I feel like every time I see a doctor they find something else wrong with me but at least this is an explanation as to what has been going on with me over the last few years since I had covid as that is why I developed it and they are seeing it a lot. He just shock his head and added it but I left really annoyed I had my kids with me so said nothing but it really is bugging me. I don't want to have these chronic conditions and be on medication but I have tried lifestyle changes and even went to the extreme of having a gastric sleeve which I don't regret and feel it helped take pressure off my body but it wasn't a cure and if medication is needed for a better quality of life so be it. I didn't go looking for it the consultants prescribed it. He keeps shaming me fir being on hrt also but I am perimenopausal and i fought for it through consultant. The only thing now is I have been told inhaler and beta blockers don't go together and he should of known that and discussed changing inhaler so now I have to ring him again and I really don't want to but i guess i will just have to sucks it up and get on with it. Thanks for listening to my rant it's just pure frustration I needed to get it out there 🥰
Just needing a vent: I am feeling... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Just needing a vent

You're post makes me so mad as well , no wonder you need to vent . How stupid is your GP?People with chronic health conditions often have more than one syndrome or illness occurring at the same time and often need medicinal help to manage their condition for Life.
Any doctor with half a brain should realise this , even if they have been newly trained , or, no matter how outdated and resistant to new treatments they have become after years in practice.
Saying that sounds as ridiculous as it would sound if you went to your optician with short sightedness and they tutted and asked why it was after having glasses for years you still need glasses.
Or asking why someone with mobility disabilities still needed a wheelchair.
Or , why do you still need to take the contraceptive pill to stop getting pregnant as surely if you have been taking it for years you shouldn't still need it .
Being shamed for being proactive and using one of the three points of your self care triangle , medical care , to maintain your quality of life ( and reduce how much you could end up costing the NHS if you do not take preventative treatment ) is quite possibly one of the worst crimes and misdemeanors a health care professional commits , after overlooking early signs of an illness and brushing it off as being ' in your head ' until you end up in A and E . And , it's a behaviour that isn't just negligent to the patient but also bad for the other professionals they work with because they cause patients to lose their trust in the system and people working in it to the point that people feel to anxious to ask for help until it becomes an emergency and more complicated to treat.
Your GP needs an in house complaint made against them by you , if you feel up to doing it, because . if they are treating you with this level of negativity and negligence , they will be doing it to many others as well , and probably putting many people off coming back for treatment or asking for more help in the future that could save their lives.
You also shouldn't have to tolerate this type of illness shaming , a doctor should be making you feel that you can trust them , you are working together with them to improve your quality of life , that they are positive about your steps , and that they sound like they have the training and understanding to be in charge of someone's long term care altogether.
The GP you have been seeing lacks these essential qualities and needs retraining or reminding of their job.
Personally, if it was my GP and there was another one at the practice I would complain and ask not to be seen by that GP in the future ( yes, you can do this for reasons like your own ) even if they have improved by getting a well deserved kick in the pants from management.
We have enough to cope with from our various , allegedly 'invisible' health conditions, and the various linked acute problems they can cause, without being made to feel worse either physically or mentally by the people whose job it is to help us feel better,
You are a superhero dealing with an enemy within , and the NHS is your side kick helping to keep the master villain back. You should be helped to fight and feel proud of your efforts by that side kick , and if they can't be a good Robin to your Batman , much like Batman you can always retire them for a better model.
Well done you for keeping up the Fibro fight , take care , Bee
Thank you for your kind words and if he keeps up the attitude I may need to do as suggested. I will put it down to a bad day for now as I usually quite like him just didn't like the attitude yesterday maybe it was him having an off day I don't know but shaming me for his off day is not on. I will tell him as much if ut happens again I was a bit stunned I think yesterday. I better ring though and discuss the inhaler situation.
Definitely, his prescribing mistake will get back to him so his attitude may well be impeccable the next time he sees you because he is concerned that you would complain about that alone , as not noticing this error could have been serious for you.But it he has another " off " day in the future I would love to be a fly on the wall when you put him in his place. Take care , Bee
Why did he critize your HRT? I thought the general consensus is that more women should be on HRT not less?
Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case I had to fight hard to get it begged for a year and had to have a referral to specialist hub and then complain before they eventually gave it to me. He asked last time how long I intend to stay in it. I said forever and he lowered his head he definitely doesn't like that I am on it.
Don't they test your hormones to see if they are low? I've no idea but I thought that was something they did.I have Osteopenia and they want me to go on HRT but they said if I haven't started the menopause yet, I'm 46, it will give me menopause like symptoms so they've delayed it.
The bloods are not always accurate so they use a symptom tracker or should according to nice guidelines. If they are low then its menopause if high thwn its perimenopause. I am in perimenopause which I know as I could feel my hormones elevating it was very strange. I know it was a false anxiety and depression as I have had proper postnatal depression in the past and could tell the difference it was to sudden and came and went.
Blimey I had no idea it goes high in perimenopause , I know it can go on for many many years. I have quite serious mental health problems so it would be all in the noise for me. I did take myself off the contraceptive pill 3 months ago and I've had a migraine every single day since, so I'm dreading the HRT etc. The pill destroyed my bladder although the neurologist says there is hope my migraines will reduce after menopause so I just have to hope that works out in the end.
I could never tolerate the pill either always got blinding headaches from it. Have you tried vagifem for bladder issues if suspected menopause it might help ask gp see what they say. I found fb group menopause for the Irish very informative lots of info in the files including symptoms tracker and nice guidelines and also Dr Louise newsom podcast is very helpful I found her on Spotify. If you get informed first them you can make a decision as to what is right for you to try and discuss it with your doctor. There is a basic menopause class through the Irish menopause group to help get you started it is well worth doing and only a small fee I think 13 euro. All other info is free in files they just charge a small amount for classes as it takes up so much of their time. I hope this helps you I know it's a scary journey when you don't know what is going on and it can feel like you are going crazy and no one cares but they do you just need to find the right people to listen the page is great for support and everyone in there as walked a similar line and has a similar story so you are not alone good luck I truly hope you get sorted.
The average women in my family hit menopause is about 53, we all hit puberty late so our menopause is also delayed.To be honest I've been so ill all my life menopause will most likely be different rather than worse. So much of my mental and physical health is dysfunctional I'm not sure a symptom tracker would be that meaningful. My GPs are so used to me gradually getting more and more ill I don't think they feel inclined to act. Not unless I go postal on them, which I do occasionally...😁
It's not an easy place to be in I know I had terrible postnatal depression previously so I feel your pain. Just take it one day at a te mind yourself and remember it's only a bad day not a bad life but in the words of Jessie j sometimes it's OK not to be OK. Let it out don't bottle it up as that makes it worse you can and you will get through it us women are stringer then you know x
Oh Liza you certainly have had it tough lately, and then for your GP to react like that can't be good for you. I hope next time you see him he is not having a "off" day. I am very lucky everyone at my Gp's practice (including the receptionists) are really caring and helpful. Take care and sending some gentle hugs your way. Lesley.
Thank you x
Hi LizaYour GP if he can call himself one needs a kick up the you know where!! I really hope he improves his attitude. You are going through enough without him being like this with you. I do hope you start to feel a little better soon.
Sending lots of gentle hugs your way
Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx 💜🫂💟🫂
I know you are in Ireland, thus things may work differently than in NHS( and rural north England) but who diagnosed and treated your POTS, I assume is a Long Covid symptom? I keep telling my GP I have POTS, as well as high BP and high HR, as a continuing LC symptom lasting over last 3 years. On 5 BP drugs, had 2 echocardiograms and scan on heart, but never seen a cardiologist and been dismissed from their ‘care’, and GP not doing anything more. Wonder where next, as POTS rather disabilitating as have to sit down even mid shop in supermarket.
I have been attending a long covid clinic for over a year and it is them who have done tests and got cardio to do heart monitor as well and have referred me to an ot to help with my brain issues as I cannot function right. I am forgetting people getting stuck on what I am saying I cannot read an article even a short newspaper article is a struggle and i skim more than read. I had to give up college so they are hoping the ot will work with me to improve my situation especially as it is almost 3 years since I first had covid and no improvement. A lot are misdiagnosed and are in perimenopause but as I had already been treated for that and it has not helped he is looking at alternative options. He diagnosed me with pots only a few weeks ago and I have started on beta blockers only a few days ago. Its a little trial and error to figure out what is going on and how to treat me. I believe my care will be ongoing as I have agreed to be part of a national study and given my blood and dna for future research in the hope that it not only helps me but helps others also.
excellent, glad you are being listened to and being treated. I don’t know if the rest of the Uk is treating Long Covid sufferers as badly as me, but now I see Ireland aren’t and from experience nor is the US. My Gp openly admitted she was not interested in LC , so no joined up thinking with my BP, HR, POTS, brain fog, breathlessness etc. I got onto a ?6 week Breathing support course over 18 months ago which was a useless waste of NHS resources( respiratory therapists) and my ( and carer husband’s) time. I’ll find and send you a framework that a US occupational/speech therapist has come up with to treat a patient with similar LC symptoms to myself. Please pass onto your therapists, might be of some use to them if not the NHS!