After waiting three months I had my appointment with the rheumatologist and what a waste of time that was. He sat me down and asked me what I wanted to talk about!! I thought he should have known why I was there.
Anyway I ran through my list of symptoms then he got up walked over to where I was sitting poked me in about six places said does that hurt? sat down and said yes you have fybromyalgia.
He told me to go to Boots and get some vit D pills, get another blood test and gave me a note for my doctor suggesting he puts me on Pregabalin. I specifically asked him if it would make me put on weight (as I don't want to put on any more) and he told me no it would be fine.
Well I have just looked up this medication and read loads of reviews from people taking it. Most of them are really happy with it for their pain and their only complaints was the amount of weight they gained. Does this so called Doctor know what he's talking about?
I'm really considering asking for a second opinion. On top of all that I've been in agony since I got home. I've taken Cocodemol and Ibruprophin and am now sitting in bed with a hot water bottle in my back feeling really p****d off.
Can you tell me if you take Preabalin and have you put on weight.
Right rant over, I hope you all have a pleasant evening.
Gentle Hugs, Gloria xx