Hi does anyone else suffering with Fibro feel guilt or shame having to ask for help from others who do not really understand the condition and think you are putting it on?
I have recently been diagnosed following two earth shattering traumas I pray nobody else has to experience. Up to then I had raised my family, was enjoying my grandchildren and shared a very full social life with my husband. I worked full time as a Fraud Investigator and loved life. Now on the days I can actually get out of bed I need help with simple things like showering and getting dressed. I dont have the energy to put on makeup or socialise. Pain exacerbated by arthritis means even making a cup of tea can be unbearable and I can't remember when I last successfully cooked a meal.
My husband is 74 and dispite being disabled himself finds it hard to adapt to changes and makes me feel like I am just being lazy. I have tried....and tried to make him understand that unlike his disability others are not visible. He thinks that one day I will be better and things will go back to normal. I feel partly to blame as I held everything together after a Bipolar diagnosis in 2014 and strived to get on top of it. I guess he feels I will do the same with Fibro. Accepting and managing a mental illness is one thing but trying to live with constant pain and fatique is another.
Yes I got depressed when I had to stop working, but I accepted the concerns raised by my employers and gave myself a good mental kick up the bottom. I try not to think woe is me and that life isn't fair afterall I am blessed with life itself and a beautiful family. But I am only human and still occasionally indulge in an occasional sulk and what could have been. On the whole I do keep positive and enjoy the time spent with my grandchildren who now ask if they can hug me. So what if I don't bake cakes anymore, the supermakets have them. I may not be able to concentrate on reading a book but I like the challenge of a crossword which I can take my time with. Friends call and ask if I am up to a chat or send cards of support rather than just turning up and whisking me away for the day. Ok so the garden doesn't look as neat and tidy as it did but think about the wildlife it will attract. I don't really miss shopping as I never liked it anyway. And isn't showering getting dressed with the help of your husband intimate and caring?
I have had a relatively good few days where pain has been around a 3/10 if you exclude my finger getting trapped in a door. I have managed to stay awake for 3hrs on those two days before needing a 'nap'. Hubby thought this is the begining of the recovery and that I will be cured by the end of the week and we can pick up our social life and he can look forward to a Sunday Roast. Today ( its not dawn yet) I am lucid but the pain is already at a 7/10 and the nasty side effects of my meds has required assistance twice tonight. My head is thumping and as I reach over for more painkillers he sleepily mumbles that I will be fine in the morning. Resisting the urge to throw a pillow at him (or should I say knowing the pain in my shoulders will prevent it) I turn the light off and tell him I love him.