Yesterday was my day to have grandchildren, they duly arrived two girls age 7 and two boys aged 9' and two dogs, one set of parents left theirs at home because I am looking after my nieces dog (whilst she is on holidays)' so that makes it 5 dogs with mine. Everything was going extremely good girls did painting and boys did ipad games, had lunch and girls iced biscuits and boys went with husband to play on waste ground with big remote controlled car, chocolate and icing sugar everywhere I started to clean up girls went on trampoline. Down the drive came husband with daughters son hand in the air saying he's cut his hand. He had to wash all the slurry and dirt out and my little boy he started screaming his head off it was terrible, his sister went into panic mode when she heard him and started screaming and crying hysterically. Little boy stopped crying and was all clammy and was sick he then had dieorhea and looked ghastly. Phone two parents to come home and my daughter and myself took him to hospital at 2.45 at 6 they decided he needed X-rays so I went outside to the car, at 9 they said he had to go to,Morriston Hospital which about 50miles away now for them to examine because they thought he had cut through sinews and tendons, daughter picked up husband and dropped me off and drove through the night to Morriston hospital, they are going to operate on him at 9 this morning that is if no emergencies come in. So please good vibes and fingers crossed for him he was so so brave, it was all explained to him and he accepted it and that it would hurt but they were helping him. So two things that he will have his operation and his hand will be ok. Thanks
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