Does anyone else get one sided body pain with there fibro have spoke to gp regarding this and they have said they are not concerned i have pain all on the left side from my head to my leg does anyone else have this?
One sided pain: Does anyone else get... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
One sided pain

Hi there, I am sure some people do. But fibro pain tends to effect both sides. I believe it is one of the tools to help diagnose fibro. Or it was back in my early days. But like everything else it maybe different these days.
If your not happy ask to speak with another GP for a second opinion if that's possible xx
Hi i have spoke to several doctors it usually gets put down to my anxiety it feels awful and im not sure what else to do x
Hello, has your doctor helped with your current anxiety ? If you feel you need to speak to another GP or Practioner nurse at your surgery it might help, I did change to a different doctor within my local surgery, anxiety is horrid and you need the right help in order to go forward and help with your pain if he feels is being triggered by this, Having suffered with this I know 1st hand how it can make your body feel out of sorts xx
Oh I see, so it's not a fibro question. I am sorry my mistake. I am afraid talking from my own personal experience with anxiety. Pain can and does play a major part when we have anxiety issuies I'm afraid. The more I worry about my health in general the longer the pain lingers.
If your GP is not concerned then I would say you need to try and relax and find something enjoyable to help you concentrate and focus your mind on and away from how you feel.
Not easy oh I know its not. But yes it can be done. You could maybe ask your GP to refer you to someone trained in dealing with anxiety etc xx
It is a fibro question i was told that fibro causes 1 sided body pain and i was just wondering if anyone else has this aswell
Oh ok, well in that case my answer remains the same as the one I gave you first in the reply above. It's just that you said your GP thought it maybe anxiety and from personal experience your GP could be correct.
I am not medically trained. I'm just going on personal experience of anxiety and 40years of fibro.
Ok thank you its just a new to me so trying to get more understanding as im new to this xx
If you ONLY have pain down one side of the body and NO pain on the other side i.e. other leg and arm then this would not meet the normal diagnosis of fibromyalgia. The diagnostic criteria can be found at fmauk,org/acr2016
You can have pain that moves about and is not always present but for a diagnosis it should be in 4 out of 5 areas of the body for over 3 months. Other conditions like CRPS etc may apply.
Hello, you may have fibro on both sides but looking at this conversation link I can see other people like myself who have mainly fibro on one side. I wish you would not keep talking down to fellow fibromites who are in as much pain as probably yourself; I have spoken to you about this before. You really must work on your empathy skills when posting replies on this forum PLEASE.
I'm so sorry I didn't mean you I was trying send a post to desquin who sounded very condescending about fibromites who have pain in one side only. Please take care
As I said to your previous comment about my manner I can only control the intent behind my interactions and the above was 100% aimed at providing support and help and in no way meant to be condescending. "I have spoken to you before" can be taken as quite headmistressish but I am sure that is not what you intend so will give you the benefit of the doubt and would ask the same.
You said "other people like myself who have mainly fibro on one side" and this was why I used the emphasis of ONLY and NO. Not to shout but to be clear on what I was meaning. Also the reference to the diagnostic criteria.
My comment was factual and not dismissive and your reply has not took issue directly with anything about the facts of what I stated but how I may have said. I am not what for fake empathy or sycophancy and know it is something I am deficient in in relation to other people as they are a lot better at the niceties but I disagree with your characterisation.
Also be aware that what others put in a post is constrained y a lot of factors and you do not know their situation. I could have ASD, I could have limited time or some other aspect that influences my style or lack of empathy (as you see it) or it could be that I would rather be factual and get the correct info across than leave something incorrect out there. Perhaps I could have added that the OP should have a further conversation with their GP which I thought I had put on the post but did not.
However, I would add that this post and reply has been a challenge to write as a reply as most long posts now are for me as my (early onset) cataracts mean that long expansive posts are now much more of a challenge to write and fight through the double vision. Did this play into my matter of fact post above... perhaps but again I do not think there was anything factually wrong with it and the OP should have a conversation with the GP and discuss.
Sorry for the long reply but with the amount of time I spend helping people on here and elsewhere it is a bit of a kick in the teeth to be berated like this and to have either my motives, my attitude, or my empathy questioned.
Thanks for the opportunity for an opportunity to have a bit of self reflection and will see if I need to adjust but again all I can do is control the intent behind my words.
Anyway enjoy the rest of your weekend.
We're all in pain so at times some of us get a little sensitive about some posts on this forum. I have always hated bullying and personally jump into situations where this may not necessarily be the case. I hope you also have a good weekend.
I appreciate your response and while your responses have rankled with me which is human nature I appreciate you are trying to improve interactions. A suggestion with my mod hat on would be that these sort of interactions would perhaps be better as a personal message and I would have received it better.
I completely agree with not allowing bullying and providing a supportive environment even with the different types of personalities that will always bring rough edges that cause friction. We can always look to improve.
Hi there, quotinging you in reply to desquinn . I have spoken to you about this before. Maybe you should take a leaf out of your own book when replying. That sounded very condescending. This is not a school playground. Also members are offering their personal opinons. We really don't need this kind of rude behaviour on the forum. Please dont let me have to speak to about it again!! 🤔😂
No two of us are alike, nothing is, even twins are not always identical! There are so many variables involved that I don't think we can ever be utterly, totally categoric with anything to do with what gets labelled as 'fibromyalgia'... We think we understand it but equally we don't really. Recent creditable research puts it now within the field of being autoimmune related... Which is something that has been dawning on me for years! I feel vindicated. I think there is a nerve path element to it which can affect some people predominantly on one side. It does me and I know of others too.So I believe it is very possible that this hideous condition can be cruelly spiteful and affect one side in particular. I think somebody once wrote "Ours is not to reason Why!" To anybody who reads this, please keep an open mind, with a loving generous heart. Stay warm and stay as cheerful as possible when having ti deal with so much miserable pain... Hard at the best of times.
Much love
I agree that we cannot be sure of certain things and also that things may change in the future. But the diagnostic criteria that I referenced is the sum of over 50+ years of research and expertise and over 5 diagnostic criteria iterations.
I have not spent 5+ years in medical school or the 30+ years that gets you to be a consultant or a researcher in this field so the results of that knowledge has to be respected even though our knowledge of fibro is still incomplete.
As to the recent autoimmune research it is still to be validated and replicated and explored fully. And it may not actually be AI but suggest AI traits. But counter that with all of the previous work that has tried to establish this connection and found no relationship.
I can remember the XMRV research from years before that was lauded with the same confidence and hope and it was the result of contamination that came to light about 2 years later after the research was analysed by other scientists. My point with this recollection is to assert that we need to not react to research and need to await the research process completing and the homework being marked.
When people to do not meet the diagnostic criteria then they should be investigated for other conditions. Otherwise we are reinforcing the "wastebin" approach unfortunately.
And I mean the above in the best possible way to further the discussion.
Dear dizzy two,, so glad I have found you on here again. I so missed you. How are you doing? I am struggling with much, and because there is so much pressure pain through being disabled for so many years, I am suffering too with anxiety . How is you4 husband
Hi Roselil, I never left. There maybe some who wish I had though 🤣🤣
I am so so at the moment. But winter time is never good for many of us is it. But we plod on and look forward to the new year. Thank you for asking hubby is fine. Considering he as me to deal with lol
I understand completely about the anxiety. I have had it for as long as I can remember. But we battle through and do the best we can. But anxiety sure wracks up the pain. I know it does for me.
You take care of yourself. And please feel free to pm me anytime. We never have to be alone with our fears.
This is a wonderful forum and the members are very helpful. Have a nice day and stay warm 🤗😘
I get it in my right side of neck shoulder arm hand fingers I was told I have twisted nerves
Most of my pain is on one side, mainly my right side.
I had trouble accepting my diagnosis for2 years because of this, knowing the criteria & kept on at my GP who eventually sent me to a rheumatologist, he did a thorough examination including pressure tests & confirmed I have fibromyalgia 3 weeks ago.
I’m finding doctors don’t seem to be concerned about the pains, I’m the type of person that would rather get to the root cause & treat that but apparently that’s not how modern medicine works!
I am sorry to hear you have struggled i to have struggled as never knew about this condition and had constant conversations with my dr to get more information hope u are well x
Hi, I get pain on my right side from my ear to my toes, sometimes I get really bad pain in my right hip and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 34 years ago when I was 27 years old
Mine is always completely down my right side, always has been, have you seen a neurologist, cause I was diagnosed with functioning neurological disorder which can affect just the one side as signals not being sent properly from the brain.
Hi no drs has said they are not concerned im not really sure how id get to see one i have constantly tried to keep on at my doctors any advice would be appreciated xx
Simply ask for a neurological referral, if you're concerned, it's your right, good luck x
as auntysue has said it is worth having a further conversation as something like FND or other conditions could be in play. Diagnosis over a forum or the internet is never the best and the GP has a lot more information to hand. But do not be afraid to have the conversation. My other post had a link to the criteria as this is something the GP should be aware of and they may be able to explain why they do not feel it is worth progressing down any other lines.
Yes most of mine is on my left hand side x
I get a little both sides but worse in one. However when it started it was one side only and progressed. I hope youbare OK and can manage your pain take care
I av pain all over but sometimes my left side is worse and have burning sensation on the left side of my face and thank you hope you are well xx
Thank you i am trying different things to manage it hope you are well xx
I have had a great few months from may until earlier this week the summer months helped me so much. I had a huge flare up last year from Sept until May I just couldn't seem to catch a break and ended up using a walking stick. I am fighting the urge to use it again this week I just don't want to give into this and give up but I will use it if really needed. I found physio helped she gave me strengthening exercises to fo during flare up which helped keep me moving even though they were difficult. I used a tens machine when bad to salt baths help and I take paracetamol and vimovo they are not great but take the edge off. I seem to be sensitive to medication so that is all I can take. I have been told swimming helps to but pools had been closed only just reopened I have not got round to trying yet. An aqua aerobics class was suggested. I tried pirates qnd yoga but couldn't keep up so bowed out was to painful. I hope you find something that works for you take care x
You are not alone my fibro is mainly all left sided - it all stems from my jaw where I had an infected saliva gland about 15 years ago that sent me to hospital for 10 days. The right side has some pain but probably having to compensate for the left; plus I also have menopausal pain. Fibro!! Yay - NOT Take care
Aww bless you its great to have support from so many others im sorry about your jaw hope your doing well xx
I get that too, although it does have a tendancy to migrate round the body and attack you in different areas

Popping on my office admin hat to reply to this..... I receive regular emails /phone calls from people who will describe their symptoms and for example say their pain is all down the one side.
Using the acr criteria or even the NHS website as guidance- then my response to that person would need to be it is unlikely that they have fibromyalgia because their pain is not widespread /affecting whole body.
However, after asking a few questions it might become clear that although the person's pain is mainly down the one side, they do get pains across their entire body. This small piece of information would change my response to fibromyalgia being a potential diagnosis.
I have pain on both sides, but my pain is worse on the entire right side.🤷♀️Much more sensitive to touch on that side. My muscle spasms are much much worse head to toe on that side. I tell my trigger point injection physician that “ my left sided pain talks to me, but my right sided pain SCREAMS at me.”
Hi I suffer with full body pain but using suffer alot more on my right side.
I hv pain all on my right side but not yet officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Trapped nerve in lower back is getting attention. I'll see what pain is left behind. How do i definately know the pain is fibromyalgia only?
Yes I have worse pain down my left side from top of head to tip of toes but it’s more neurological pain than the fibromyalgia pain elsewhere. I suffered with frozen shoulder, jaw , neck and lower back that came on suddenly without an accident or cause. I then started collapsing and passing out which has resulted in this continuous 24/7 pain. I felt at the time I had some sort of stroke as my jaw dropped and I couldn’t speak. I still don’t know why I suffer and endure this pain but I’ve tried everything to make it better and it will not go away. It could be Sjogrens related as I have that too or due to medications perhaps. It’s very challenging and wearing and I’m now accepting it as my cross to bear. I hope you find answers and can share with us
Hi I'm newly diagnosed with Fibromylagia and my pain is mainly on one side,the right to be exact. It's excruciating pain on one side from the toes up to my jaw. I get pins and needles and spasms. At times my left side does get the same amount of pain but my right side has the most and worst flare ups. So yes it can happen and yes it's just as bad as having on both sides. I'm living on 3 hours sleep if not less cause of the pain..chin up you will find a way to cope with the pain as I am hoping to as well.
Hi there, I too get one sided pain. My pain is from left side of my neck and goes into my left shoulder, down through my arm and into my fingers, although my finger joints on both hands hurt and when I wake up, all of my upper joints are heavy. Typically, when I have a flare up, my pain is excruciating right through my left side. I recently received Fibro diagnosis although personally, I suspect my pain is to do with a herniated disc and nerve issue connected to that. Still awaiting MRI but all of my previous tests have come back clear. I hope you start feeling better
Hi Hardy99,
Read a couple of the comments below. Sorry for the late reply but i limit my internet usage which helps with pain, not only the pain in my hands from typing but believe it or not now that i dont have my internet on overnight i no longer wake up feeling l like ive been hit by a bus unless i overdo it physically, or unless I visit someones house and they have all sorts of tech on like fire stick, alexa, mobile date, etc. Anyho yes i do get more pain from my right side and have done for some years now so my reasoning behind this is that im right handed, bear with me here. When you have fibro you have to take into account everything you do to be able to get the best from your energy supplies and ive noticed that my right hand side gets exhausted and painful a lot quicker than my left so to ease this slightly i have to use my left hand more either for the mouse or anything you can think of to just give your effected side some time off. I also only suffer from migraines on this side also which i think is down to muscle tension on my overworked side. Hope this helps. X