Does a yone get a pain mainly on one side. I have pain mai ly on right shoulder upper back between spine and shoulder blade and lower side ribs
One sided pain: Does a yone get a pain... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
One sided pain

Everything I read says it must be both sides. I have lots of other symptoms too which fit fibro but would like your advi e
Hi there
Welcome to the forum
I am guessing from what you have said that you have not had a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia?
Unfortunately the symptoms of Fibromyalgia are very similar to lots of other conditions, which is why it can take many years to get a definitive diagnosis.
All of those conditions must be ruled out first, before a diagnosis of Fibro can be given.
The pain that comes with Fibromyalgia can be just in one place, or it could be that the pain moves around. It could also be both.
I have not heard about it being just on one side of the body before.
What does your GP think? Have you spoken to him or her to see what they say?
The best way to find out if you have Fibromyalgia is to ask your GP for a referral to see a Rheumatologist. They are the Consultants that specialise in diagnosing Fibromyalgia.
If you take a look at our mother site you can have a read up of common symptoms of Fibromyalgia.
I very much hope that you can get some answers soon.
Wishing you much peace
Lu x
My pain started on my left side...exactly whereyou described and progressedfrom thereto everywhere
Hi There!
Yes I have right sided pain, from my jaw to shoulder, to ribs, to sciatica and numb and tingling foot.
I have been putting the blame onto only being able to sleep on my right side.
It is a good thing I am left handed, isn't it!
Weirdly was only thinking about this yesterday. I do get pain everywhere, but its definitely worse on my right side. I also thought it was because I can really only sleep on my right side as well, well, when I actually sleep. Caught a cold and cough, all the pain from the cough is on my right side too, and skin sore on just right side. I do often feel like someone has a voodoo doll of me, sticking sharp needles, but mostly on the right side
Hi bourne62
I am so genuinely sorry to read that my friend and I get a sharp pain in my right side going through my ribs as I have Costochondritis and diverticular disease. I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you