Does anyone get really bad pains in their upper arms, it’s like I’ve laid on them to long but even during the day they are painful.. I’ve had frozen shoulder in the past so I know it’s not that.. any tips on how to ease the pain xx
Arm pain : Does anyone get really bad... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Arm pain

most people will have painful arms and its something that bugs me. especially my left one as I compensate for my right being used for a mouse on the pc. Try to exercise them both and keep active.
I also suffer pain in my arms, especially at the top and it feels like nodules under the skin when I try and rub it to relieve the pain. Also use painkillers. It’s so sore isn’t it 😢
Yep all the time shoulders seem worse somtimes holding the phone to my ear can cramp them up very fast seconds somtimes. lactic acid builds up in muscles try having a hot bath twice a day with some Epsom salts thrown in the mix now and again also green tea or an antioxidant may help drink plenty water and try move about throught the day tence the muscles that are sore hold for few seconds an relax repeat x 10 and see if that aware of the more sedentary we are the more fibro attacks.that I know because the two dont go well together at times exercise and pain I mean.if you find yourself all tense then get up give your shoulders a nice roll forward and then backwards.and be mindful of posture as bad posture can reek havoc with neck shoulders back legs basically everywhere. If I hav sat for an hour I will get up and turn my head from left to right looking straight forward then tilt your head down neck to chest then back up again repeat then I will roll my shoulders back and for all done not roll your head around as this is bad for some people left to right up and down is perfect for me.water crucial also good diet if possible as it can be hard and try eating more protein.hope this desquinn says the body needs equilibrium ie we alter our movements due to pain or the thought that we might get pain.this inturn makes matters worse. Try use each arm legs equally throughout each day an be conscious of posture when walking standing and lying in bed.lying on a sore or stiff limb will add to the problem try rotating your sleep according to were your pain is.good luck

I’ve been doing the exercises but it gets to the point where the pain is unbearable..
Dont do them for a while heat an ice the area daily few times.if it's that sore that's your body telling you something.i use hot water bottles n frozen peas wrapped in tea towel. Most days I have to ice something haha.

Thank you for the advice, I can’t use any kind of creams as it gives me blisters so I’ll try the ice pack and hot water bottle
Also be careful when stretching any muscles tendons if it feels to sore STOP. SLIGHT pain is this is pretty normal if your tense .

I wish I could saw my arms off it gets that bad 😥
Been there tore the inside of my elbow tendon.a keep this as a reminder of how bad it was to the niggling a get in it now few micro tears in the out side now tennis elbow.took 3 years from when I tore it to actually having the operation they were dark times am convinced it contributed to my getting fibro.i couldn't work or train with it.i could have cut that off.but I choose not to haha and instead read up on every possible way to improve healing times and from it happening again have to change the way i do certain things to avoid the worse pain.compression sleeves are really good I've got a one with copper stitched into the material seems to work better than others I've tried can get them for shoulders help with blood flow and keep it warm.

I am fortunate in that my arms are one of the least affected areas of my body for pain. But I do find that of in doing any type of repetitive actions then the pain quickly increases
It’s driving me up the wall, if I could saw it if I would
I'm like that with leg pain some nights .... Would gladly cut them off x
I would do it but it’s all the blood that’s gonna come out afterwards 😂x
Haha I like it.😂😂 like something of a saw movie.
Aye it was that was few years ago now its took a long time to mend tendons have a bad blood supply and that affects healing. But keeping positive and reading up on how to fix it the best after surgery defo helped no pain no gain to me it does my head in.makes everything worse.getting some good advice atm that helps listen to your body 😎 took me years to learn that.not getting any younger👨🦳 ha
Are they any good. Mydexter .I've been told them tens machines exexperience with anything like that.
I'm tense alright so that's the one can it reach over your shoulder blades to get your own back.if you know what I mean.ive spent 1000's on supplements over the years but I've never tried that kinda thing always thought to good to be look into it Mydexter need something thought about one of the foam roller back things but am that tense it would hurt lol.
Well I dont know about that because they say your only as old as the person you feel.😂😂😂
My clinics the top of my fridge haha.aye well it sounds like its tried and tested worth a shot.ohhh you gotta have plenty stuff when you can go from one extreme to the other in days.
I’ve just found a toy, it’s an electric massager which was in a cupboard so I’ll give that a go, I did have a tens machine but can’t find it 🤭🤭
Sounds interesting 😂👌
I just realised what I put 😂😂I meant a massager an electric one lol
Omg... I have just come on here and seen your post... this is really strange. I woke this morning with a horrible feeling in my left arm, like something tight was around it, I had my wrist splint on and thought maybe it was that so took it off... no change... it then felt dead.... it has gone off now but I will see if it happens tomorrow.
It’s so b****y annoying isn’t it, I’m doing certain exercises then using a cold pack and also a hot water bottle, but gonna try the massager tomorrow.. hope it’s ok tomorrow x
You shouldn't sleep with a splint on if you can help it.sorry for butting in but for some reason this has came up on my give you my advise splint when necessary other wise your muscles all get used to the extra support and deteriorate fact.splint bad days good days splint less to regain the strength that your splints limiting range of motion is stopping if that makes sence.😁

Hey... no worries 😉
I have psoriatic arthritis also.... if I’m having a bad day/night I sleep in my splint in case I knock my hand in the night. If i do it feels like my hand/wrist is being broken.
Well am no doctor but I know enough.and if I was like you I would sleep with it on.
A simple trick: get a tennis ball. Stand against a wall and put the tennis ball between your arm and the wall. Roll the ball around while leaning on it. Acts like a massage and frees up the fascia.
You can do this on more or less any painful part of your body. And just rotate your position to reach wherever you need to!
TENS machine also recommended for these kinds of pains. Good luck!
I suffer with the same but also elbow and wrist pain. I’ve tried anti inflammatory gels,elbow and wrist supports,I also take Zapain, nothing seems to help. With me the pain will move to other parts of my body after a while it really does get me down.
I use arnica and mix a few drops of peppermint oil massaged in ...really helps.Plus gentle exercise when able...
I get awful pain in my right shoulder front and back. It's almost like a burning throbbing pain. Sorry to hear you do too.
Hi yes I get arm pain alot, its just awful😭
Hello,you have my sympathies as last year the pain in my arm was so bad I was in the doctors insisting I couldn't take it anymore,I was sent for an x-ray on it the same day as she thought maybe arthritis but there was nothing to report,I stopped sleeping on my right side as my shoulder couldn't take it,it's not as bad as it was but it was like a dead weight tearing at that time,shooting pains etc,I bought a shoulder massager,it looks like a bit of an American football kit:)) what I do(not saying you should tho) is I stretch my arm in all the ways I should be able to and it really hurts and then the massager on with heat,it's like see my poor arm me doing that to you so here this will make it better lol,cruel then kind :))sending good vibes:))
my arms are very sore feels like i have carried heavy bags for a week, nothing i do eases the pain , hope you feel better soon xx
I suffer from upper arm pain which goes into the breast. My GP prescribed Capsaican (I think that's the spelling) it's a pepper based heat rub. It was painful putting it on but it did help.
I was prescribed that a couple years ago but had a severe reaction to it, I have such sensitive skin I can’t use any creams and I’m allergic to certain medication as well which is frustrating
That's a shame. I truly feel for you. Hopefully if anyone sees my reply it might help someone else.
Im having bad neck pain and arm for weeks now, Im finding it very difficult to sleep and carry out daily activities.Its affecting my left
Hello Pixie, I'm sorry to hear you're in such pain. I had major problems with my arms last year. The pain kept getting worse until the muscle/tendons started to spasm. When I massaged them, it felt as if the muscles were made up of lumpy bits of string. I did a bit of research and discovered that living in constant pain uses up as much energy as being an athlete. The pain may be due to a build-up of lactic acid within the muscle, almost as if you've been lifting weights without proper training or diet. I decided to improve my diet and added Magnesium as a supplement - Magnesium Malate works best for me. I also mixed some Magnesium flakes into some Arnica Gel and used this to massage the muscle/s - and my shoulders too, especially where I hold a lot of tension.
The pain of FM is often made worse by cold, so please keep your neck, shoulders and arms really snug!
I hope this helps,
warmest wishes, dee
Thank you for your reply.. it’s Really uncomfortable and I get a burning sensation as well.. I will look into magnesium supplement maybe that could help.. I can’t use rub in creams as I end up blistered and that’s not nice x
If you decide to take the Magnesium as a supplement, please let your GP know in case there are any contra-indications with your current medication.Have a look at Arnica gel..... it's a homeopathic treatment, so shouldn't cause you to react, but....
The Magnesium mix may not be a good idea, especially if you and/or your skin is hydrated as it tends to sting.... Good measure tho', of if you're drinking enough water.....
Best wishes for a day of reduced pain.....
Yep. Xrays have shown that I have mild osteoarthritis in both shoulders. If this pain is mild, I'd hate to know what chronic feels like! The pain is worse at night and it radiates down throughout my upper arms. It can be anywhere between grinding and sharp...sometimes pulsating as well. My arms are usually very weak after an intense pain episode. I use Voltaren gel 1% and Tylenol Arthritis. It usually dulls the pain a bit.If you haven't yet, check to see if it is osteoarthritis.
O yes I’ll have a proper look in to it a bit more before I make any rash decisions x
Yes, I get that pain especially in the morning. It's really bad. I take a pain killer and it helps.