I’ve developed, over recent months, the most terrible pain in my hips. It’s getting worse. I struggle to walk. Is this a common one?
Hip pain: I’ve developed, over recent... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hip pain

healthunlocked.com/fibromya..., hello there, is it something you have discussed with your gp recently if it is getting worse, I do read here lots of people do have pain in hips , I wondered if the doctor referred you to have an X-ray it might shed some light on what is going on. I had a slight fracture in my lower back I was not told at the hospital at the time when I had a bone density scan and my then doctor didnt bother to follow it up with me, it is very painful and I had physio done not knowing I had it so was very cross when my new doctor found it on my records 6 months later, sometimes it is for a piece of mind and then you will know if it’s fibre pain which isn’t nice at the best of times. Xx I’ve posted a link above if you would like to lock your posts , take care xx
I think it is common, I get a lot of hip pain and often have trouble walking but it’s worth getting your doctor to check it out in case it’s something that can be treated rather than just part of the Fibro.
Mine been getting worse in one hip :/
I also have terrible hip pain, I struggle to walk at times. The pain even shoots up into my groin and trying to sleep is just a nightmare, tossing and turning every 5 minutes. So I know what your going through. Take care.
If X-ray doesn’t show any abnormalities with the joint, it could be greater trochanter pain syndrome. I have osteoarthritis in my hips, but my rheumatologist also diagnosed GTPS. It’s horrendously painful, feels like it’s bone pain, but also travels down the thigh and buttocks. Having “buns of steel” is all very well, but the accompanying pain is horrible. 🙁