Hi, has anyone found anything that improves sleep quality? I have been exercising, and trying the sleep hygiene techniques, relaxation etc. But nothing has really helped. I would really like to reduce daytime fatigue. Thanks
Sleep: Hi, has anyone found anything... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi, personally I have found a weighted blanket helpful. Fairly new idea but some of the folk on here have tried them and the general feedback seems positive. There are many types and weights on the market so do research and have a look as weight is important to get right. Weighted adult blankets need to be kept away from children.

I use a weighted blanket - where I find it helps most is to reduce my restless legs, so that in turn helps me sleep
Although, I'm like you tried all the various sleep hygiene tips over the years, and I either fall asleep easily and only sleep a couple of hours, or cannot fall asleep and lie awake until the early hours until I eventually fall over, and again usually only her a few hours. My average night is about 4 - 6 hours maximum.
I've tried aromatherapy oils, supplements, medication (did help for a few years) and all sorts xxx
Melatonin was like a miracle for me. I'd tried everything. The barbiturates make me sleep but it's not really sleep
A couple of melatonin tablets and a calm meditative mindset work wonders for slipping me gently over into sleep
Amitriptyline helps me and high intensity exercise, however if I miss the 'sleep window' amitriptyline gives me I don't sleep at all. Melatonin had no effect on me and unfortunately sleep hygiene has made me more neurotic as if my night routine is disturbed I don't sleep so I feel it's actually made me more vulnerable to the variabilities life generally throws at you. My husband swears by L-trytophan its an amino acid supplements much like melatonin but I'm not so convinced he's already good at sleeping!
It’s so true about the Amitriptyline sleep window this has actually happened last night and it’s now 8.30am and I still am not asleep !
I don’t know why this happens ! Most nights it works and then a night or two I don’t sleep !!!
Being tired is never enough, I have to be relaxed enough to be drowsy. Amitriptyline gives me a short enforced drowsy window but so many things can happen so that you miss that window. I have 2 kids under 6, if bed time is particularly protracted or they keep getting up my window is gone. Also it cant keep you asleep but its better than nothing!
I have found that sleep hygiene routines are effective, but the first time my husband and I tried cannabis tea, we both slept about 10 hours solid and had a refreshing sleep!😂 It's not cheap but well worth it. It tastes disgusting, but the taste improves with sugar or honey.
I even dream when I've had a cuppa.
Melatonin is a life saver. I sleep well and naturally and wake up able to function. I only take a low dose of half a 5mg tablet but I’ve read studies where 10mg is helpful in Fibro.
Found it's linked to the digestive system. Other people find I'm a little pretentious on this subject.
I take amitripxine & at this moment in time it’s working for me. I know I’m in with a chance to deal with the pain if I have a good nights sleep.
I also have a hot hot detox bath ( baking soda, Epsom salts & 3/4 drops of lavender) & meditate In the bath I find it really helps me sleep.
And I do agree with the gentleman above. It has a lot to do with the digestion system. I have completely change my diet & it’s helped.
But lately Iv been eating a lot of sugar! The devil lol!!
Yes, I’m in the melatonin camp. Has helped me enormously, 5mg. I read somewhere that we have reduced levels of serotonin and serotonin is partly responsible for making or regulating melatonin, and so, it makes sense. You have nothing to lose by trying it, it’s one of the more benign ‘meds’ after all. Don’t expect a dramatic effect like sleeping tablets, it is much more subtle than that...take it for at least a month before you start to realise that you are sleeping better. It seems to ramp up slowly.
OTC [over the counter] sleep aids like melatonin help UNLESS you have breathing issues or lung disease