Hey guys, sorry, yet again, for going quiet for a while. I always read the daily digest and try to keep up with all the posts.
I wonder if anyone has any experience with the sleep tracker apps? I recently started using one and realised just how poor my sleep actually is. My deep sleep never amounts to more than 11% of my night and I wake very hour at least once, usually more.
I already take Nortriptyline to help with sleep but it seems clear my current pattern is not good. Last night my actual amount of sleep was 4 hours 10 minutes and I woke up 14 times (totalling 38 mins) with only 7% deep sleep.
I will be keeping track until my GP appointment in a few weeks but if anyone can put my mind at ease that I'm overreacting or that it's not as bad as it looks etc, or have any ideas how I can try to improve my sleep, I'd love to hear from you. 🙂