I am fed up of being in pain, saw my consultant who said that i have got to do more exercsises each day to reduce pain. He said it is going to hurt but will get better, but how or where do u begine when u r already in a lot of pain.
Would doing exercises reduce pain for fm - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Would doing exercises reduce pain for fm

Good question Gemmy, I've been going to ask my doctor the same thing but I always forget. I find going for a walk very hard but often wonder if I should just get out there and do it. Looking forward to hearing what others think too.
thks sue
Thank you Christine, my body is most definitely not used to exercise.... I can't swim and don't like the water so I'm not going there but I will look into some gentle exercise. I suppose it's the same for the arthritis as for the fibro, gentle and persevere?
I was thinking of booking some reiki or massage sessions but they are £30 and wonder if it's worth it. I went to an osteopath and it really didn't help.
Exercise definately helps and the key is to perservere.I have to say I used to go to yoga 3-4 times per week and my body was strong and great. I then left the gym as they changed the Yoga classes and as I have not been doing as much I have lost strength and now doing exercise is hard work. So I would say, find something easy that you want to do and think you will enjoy and go for it. As Christine says it will hurt at first, but over time you will benefit for sure!!!
I find massages help me, I have also just started having reflexology!!!...will let you know how it goes!!
Yes, would be interested Rach. I'm 60 this year and my poor body doesn't want to go into even normal positions anyway lol. Not sure I could manage much but willing to give it a try if it helps. The woman I found locally does reiki and reflexology and all that kind of stuff which has always interested me but I ended up going to the osteopath for months cos I don't like to say I won't be coming anymore lol and I really can't afford to. x
I had reflexology for about a year and i did like it and for a while i thought it was helping but then I just seemed to hit rock bottom and it was doing nothing for me and I am still near rock bottom after over a year. x
I am findign it harder and harder to do anything, at the moment, due to varoures stresses in my life that r not good. so hopefully in about a weeks time i will have a routine.
I sympathise Gemmy, I have similar problems with various stresses at the moment and to be honest exercise is the last thing I am thinking about right now. The stresses with my distant family members should be easing now, so hopefully I will get back to gentle walks to start with and then hopefully a bit of bike riding. I haven't done that since last year and I need to get some sort of fitness back, I feel very sluggish these days and more tired too. Don't be too hard on yourself Gemmy, when things ease for you, you will be able to introduce some activity slowly and build on that. I am hard on myself too, but with our condition sometimes we have to cut ourselves a bit of slack and take a bit of time over some things.
To do exercise when all the aches and pains of fibro are around takes a lot of willpower. Personally I find that for walking ,for instance, after 40/50yards it gets easier. Ok, after 15/20 mins I need to sit downbecause my thighs ache badly and I have pins and needles in either or both legs.But I am sure it is worth it. In town the coffee shops do well out of me and my wife. Certainly if I sit around for long I get very stiff and less inclination to move but I am sure it is a big help to find something to do such as walking, gardening, a little bit of decorating can all be done .
Going out in the car I usually drive from home but to return my wife takes the wheel because she knows I am very uncomfortable, which could affect my driving.
To sum up I am saying its worth making the effort, itdoes usually help.
Exercise is very important with Fibro. It can help protect against developing Fibro and may also help protect against worsening Fibro.
If you have Fibro and are doing regular exercise, do not stop even if it's tough! I know many people with Fibro formerly very fit who eased off on exercise thinking that would help, only to get worse.
If your Fibro is uncontrolled and you have not been exercising regularly already, you will struggle to exercise and benefit properly from it though. This is because of 2 things. One, the sleep quality issues associated with Fibro mean that your body will struggle to physically recover from any exercise and you will struggle to build muscle. And two, myofascial pain and trigger points (TrPs) are very common in people with Fibro. If you have active TrPs on a muscle, you will have less strength in it, it may hurt to use it and lactic acid will quickly build up in the muscle if you do use it. Addressing sleep quality and myofascial restrictions are therefore very important when starting an exercise program with Fibro, especially if your aim is to build strength and/or lose weight.
A stretching program may still be hard with uncontrolled Fibro if you are unaccustomed to doing this, but can help even if you are not doing strength building or aerobic exercise.
If you are unaccustomed to exercising, I strongly recommend you start by getting a referral to physiotherapy. They should assess you for hypermobility, myofascial restrictions and any postural imbalances and should then teach you stretches and basic exercises to help with all these. Start slow and small and work it up gradually. Once you have made some progress, it is then worth seeing a physical trainer or qualified instructor (e.g. for yoga or pilates) and letting them know what the physio has said so that they can help you exercise further safely.
I've done Tai chi in the past and it was brilliant...currently trying to find classes near me again but I do have a book and a Dvd to do on my own at home.
Also did Pilates in the past from a dvd and just missed out the bits I found too difficult!
I have FM and Osteo. I am on Sertaline, Naproxen, Trazadone - plus co/codamol wheni need it. i am a housemum with 2 kids who do regular activities, so mums taxi needs to be operational at all times!
last summer i started swimming. i dont classify myself as a good swimmer tho. i thought that it hurts when i do nothing - so i might aswell do something - i least i know why im hurting then!!
I struck a deal with a local leisure centre on the membership just to use the swimming pool. I knew that actual gym work would be too much for me (i cant do heavy saucepans!) so i just swim. 2/3 times a week. It totally supports my body, i work on my technique cos that helps cut down the pain ie if your feet are at the wrong angle then this can cause pain in the hips etc. My pool has gentle steps in and also the step ladders. The best part is using the sauna after, that totally warms and soothes my muscles and sets me up for the day. I have met loads of new people there.
PS i always have face powder and Lippy on before i go out - if i look good (my opinion counts!!) then i feel good. Have a great day everyone xx
Dear Westgate
Just seen your post about your medications are you on any stomach lining tablets for the Naproxen? I was taking these for about 18 months without any and developed an gastric ulcer. I was taken into hospital as it was bleeding and I've had trouble on and off since. I feel quite strongly about this as the endoscopies were not that pleasant!!
Hope you don't mind me asking?
About the excercise swimming is about the ony thing I can do also, although since before Christmas I've been feeling so rough and lazy I cant drag myself along!
I was already on omeprazole and Gaviscon Advance before I started on Naproxen, so that has helped. The Naproxen is for Osteoarthritis which I now have on top of fibro.
hi gracie - sorry, been offline! No i dont use any stomach lining meds? ive been on naproxen for as long as i can remember. Know what you mean about dragging yourself along! i park up outside the pool and think - wouldnt it be easier todrive away!! Most days i go with a friend so that makes it easier. she has 4 kids so we both feel knackered!! xx
i go to the gym and just take a slow walk on the tread mill next time i go a little faster some times i go home and fell like death warmed up but i keep going
Yes a combination of stretching and walking exercise definitely helps but you need to start very gently and slowly and build up gradually, pacing yourself. A few years ago I took on board all I learnt at my local Pain Management course and became virtually pain-free with increased energy levels. My problem is that it's so easy to let it slip because it's time consuming and then you end up back into increased fatigue/pain. Self motivation is the key so I should make it my new year's resolution to get back to fitness again. I know it works so why am I so stupid?