Hi there
My name is Rosario. I have been watching the posts for a while but is my first post. I have been suffering from fibro for about 5 years. As all of u been looking for a way to manage it so I can work and enjoy life. I have muscle pain but have not experienced fatigue. I am 47 and I will describe my fibro as mild. Basically my muscles get extremely tight and as a consequence I experience pain. I am not taking any meds I was on neurotin but after a while it did nothing. In the past year I have experience an improvement. Combination of things but the one that has really made a difference is something called "The miracle ball method" by Elaine Petrone. I was sceptical when I saw this about 2 years ago and ignored it, but decided to try 2 months ago when I came across to it in Amazon again. It is a method to relax the muscles and it has made a great difference to me. I have to dedicate about two hours a day one in the morning and before going to bed, it allows me to go almost without pain during the day, sometimes even no pain which is more than I could ask for. This is not a cure of course so I have to do it everyday and if I do more activity than usual, like a day in London I will have to spend more time on the balls the following day. Not sure if this will work for you but if you want to give it a try it is about £14. My husband does not suffer from fibro but lower back pain because of long drives and after started using them as well he experienced relief....I have asked him to buy his own though! please bear in mind my fibro is mild, my symptoms are: muscle and joint pain, fibro fog, mild IBS, blurred vision....think that's it. If u have any questions feel free to ask me. If someone benefits from this as well I will be extremely happy!!! Cheers