Was given naproxin last Thursday. It seems to be helping with the pain a bit. A bit is better than not helping.
Naproxen : Was given naproxin last... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

They gave me a headache after days taking them
You are right, any little relief is better than none. I was prescribed naproxen too. At first I thought it was the answer to all my prayers, but then it stopped working after a week. I'm still taking it and hoping it will still help, but I'm still in pain. Not sure it is making any difference now, but scared to come off them in case it brings a lot of pain on. Xx
There not so good Smoked!
have they given you something else to take with them? I have had them for years for my spinal damage (as and when I need them) 2 years after I started taking them I was asked by another doctor if I was also taking something else as well, as naproxen can affect organs. I don't take anything else as mine are only as and when I need them, you need to check if this is the case, I wouldn't want you to get anything else. I find them excellent for my back pain when that plays up
Please be careful I was on these for years only to be told they won’t work for me with fibro anyway and they have caused major gastro problems in me
Really bad on the stomach for some people when i tried them i was given omoperazole or something like that.a thought they had more side affects than done good.

I had onepraxole too but clearly that didn’t help in my case
Hi there, naproxen is a good inflammatory drug but like every other drugs it as it side effects so be careful as it damaged my bowel and led to a disease called ulcerative colitis , I hope it works for you but just be careful.