Hi, happy new year to you all. I have recently collected my months medications from my pharmacy and had no Naproxen 250mg. The pharmacist said he has been unable to get any for months and his stocks are all gone. He said this was the same for all chemists. Has anyone else had this problem?
Naproxen 250mg: Hi, happy new year to... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Naproxen 250mg

unfortunately there have been a few reports of this. See if there is an alternate formulation available. different dose or coating perhaps?
Hi, had the same conversation with my chemist. Its the dose thats in short supply in my area (tameside) so they had to give me 100mg instead.
Yes my Pharmacist told me there was a national shortage and there wont be any for months and to ask GP for alternative.
I've been told the same by the pharmacist and my friend who also is on naproxen.
Pharmacistsaid to use ibuprofen until they become avaliable again

that is ok if you can take Ibuprofen, I cant
I can’t either nor the naproxen at that rate...hard on kidneys.I was on Celebrex for years and 2+yrs ago my doctor said to hold off on the Celebrex because my kidney functions where off. I didn’t think much about it until 2yrs later I saw “renal failure” as a diagnosis on me! So the next appointment I asked her about it so she down graded to chronic renal insufficiency. I can tell when it is getting worse by the suds in my urine. When I noticed it I push the the water and it gets better. Sorry for the ramble but I want you to get getting your kidney functions levels to be monitored. I’m only 57 and want to stay as healthy as long as possible. I want you all to be as healthy as possible too. 😊💕🦋🌷🌻💜
I don’t think ibuprofen will be a suitable alternative for me as I am taking co-codamol too. I suppose it’s a trip to the gp for an alternative. Thanks for the replies.
Ibuprofen is nowhere near as good as Naproxin, it would be like taking a smartie for a meigraine
I agree but it's better than nothing
Ibuprofen is fine to take with codàmol as it doesn't contain paracetamol
Thanks for the headsup about this! I shall be prepared as I get close to needing my repeat prescription. I got my last lot of 250mg Naproxen just before Christmas and for me it's heaps better than ibuprofen. The only other thing I've got for fibro is cocodamol and it makes me a bit zombie like.
I did think if I could get the 500mg then I could take half a tablet but they are all out of them too.
Thank you.
Not here in Canada. I also take Naproxen and never had a problem filling my script. Did the pharmacist and/or doctor something else as a replacement?
No I run out on Monday and will be a few weeks wait to see my doctor so I’m feeling a bit anxious to be honest. It’s very cold here too so pain has increased. Thank you for your reply.
Hi Shelly,
I take naproxen and I've not had any problems getting hold of it where I live in Middlesbrough. Are they able to at least give you it but in a different milligram to make it up to 250? I know I've had to do that before for another drug.
I had exactly the same a few days ago. I've been given 500 mg pills to cut in half.
I have had the same problem but I got my doctor to reprecrive the gastro resistance one. I didn’t know there was one so I’m glad this has happened as I shall be staying in this one. It is more expensive hence why it is not prescribed initially. I managed to get this new precription from boots a few days ago. They didn’t have many left but said they had more stock arriving in two weeks.8
I live in Leighton buzzard. I think maybe get a new prescription maybe for more tablets and call around a few pharmacies trying boots first
Hope you managed to get some xxx
Hi Shelly I share your frustration just before Christmas I was faced with the same, but I ended up driving to the next county who were able to give my prescription it was slightly different from my usual and less effective. It's taken years to find the right pain relief to at least give me a bit of mobility relief so feel anxious if I have to try other meds as I'm a light weight with meds. Hope brexit is favourable for our meds.
My husband was prescribed these before Christmas and the GP did say that the chemist may not have them. However our Lloyd’s Pharmacy did have them. Perhaps phone round a few. Hope you manage to get them.
I have a friend who works for a drugs company( a very famous one) and she said there is a shortage but also there is a question on how safe they are and the gp are trying to get people of these drugs but there is a problem in that all anti imflammatories are being questioned on how safe they are:
The only reason we were talking about this is because she asked how i had been and i said not great! I explained i had gone from mayb fibro to mayb ehlers danos desease( not proven yet as i have not seen a rheaumotologist yet) but about 6 months ago i woke up YELLOW!!!! I got rushed go hosp and i was so ill and i had hep A asymtomatic, which means it was brought on through a tablet!! NAPROXEN.:.:: i was then told they are the devil by the head of the liver clinic who says he see it all the time with naproxen, antibiotics and ibuprofen. 6 months down line i still have to have a monthly blood test done on kidney and liver as they were both bad and this month was first time it has come back clear.....
I had to have no tablets, not even paracetamol, certain foods, no alcohol. Drink lots of water ...
To flush out the toxins in my body.
It is only now i feel normal... after 6 month of feeling awful.
I now meditate through pain, do yoga, run and take supplements instead of drugs and feel best i felt in along time even though i still feel pain.
So the point is these drugs can b doin u more damage then the pain...
If i had to choose my body pain over the pain i had with my kidney and liver id choose the body pain everytime. I was month away from dialysis. All thanks to naproxen.
Sorry to everyone but it just one persons advice
Very interesting read. I do worry what all these chemicals are doing internally. I do get lots of strange pains in my stomach. I am seriously thinking of weaning myself off my meds but scared I will just seize up lol. Thank you for your reply.
I think as a society it normal we feel
Pain we take a tablet! Simple .
We do not think that this could in the long run do us more harm then the actual problem we were taking the tablet for.
I was lucky in that im very healthy, fit and youngish that my body healed itself but some people with other problems ie diabetes or heart problems couldnt.
So i do think we should weigh up if that pain needs a table or a rest. mayb a stretch and a long walk with a audio book on to take ur mind away from the pain.
On a bad day i do yoga, hot bath, epsom salts and heat.... meditate ( good belly breathing) and take ur mind away for a while.
I got to say that my pain is no worse without pain meds?
I dont think they actually did anything( apart from ruin my organs) i think they were just a crutch.
I can't take Naproxen or other NSAIDs as I lost a kidney 2004 and the GP said they impair kidney function and would shorten my life. I suffer badly with the pain but at almost 65 I have no wish to shorten my life. It was interesting to read your experience of Naproxen for me. I chose the body pain too. Gentle hugs xx

Gentle hugs to you tox
Im sorry u lost ur kidney what a terrible experience.
It scarey as my husbands friend who only 42 just had heart attack and it was brought on by years of ibuprofen useage due to being a builder and having bad back so u just dont know what these drugs do.. he now has a pacemaker at 42!
I think we take our organs for granted, we just put anything in our bodies because of the constant pain but i really do not think it the answer. Id rather have pain then no kidney or hep A, jandice and liver pain .. it was awful worse time of my life.
Plus i got to say i been on those pain meds 3 years or so and now im off them i feel no diff? So they werent working anyway! I was in pain on them im in pain off them....
i have just learnt how to
Manage that pain now ... without drugs
Thank you for replying Lulububs, I know exactly what you mean about staying off the meds. All they do is after you get used to them you need stronger meds and the dangers are not explained when the GP prescribes all these nsaids. I have a lot of pain and sometimes hardly get any sleep at all its worth it just to be around to see my beautiful grandchildren smile at me.
I have Naproxin 500mg, and have had for years, when I went to collect my prescription just before Christmas, the pharmacy told me that they had had to put 2 boxes of 250mg because they couldn't get the 500mg, but I have never had any problem getting them
I had that problem but they came in two days later
Yes, some medicines seem in very short supply, or not available at all. I had found kaolin and morphine so helpful to settle the tummy with IBS but cannot get it now from anywhere. All stocks gone. So sorry that Naproxen also not available now. Did you find it helpful for Fibro?
Yes Phenergan was unavailable for a few months too. Naproxen was for arthritis knee pain mainly. But I don’t think anything relieves the pain if I’m honest.
Nope i found same, as i said above i had to come of naproxen due to liver failure and i feel no different off them!
So i question why? Why we take them!
All they done to me is mess my kidney and liver up and now i have that to worry about as well as body pain.
Just learnt to deal with my pain
I was on naproxen but due to the long term side effects my GP stopped prescription for me now taking Paracetamol not as good but at least I won't get the nasty side effects in later Life
Yes, when my husband picked up my last repeat prescription, the Naproxen had been replaced with 400mg Ibuprofen and the GP had noted that Naproxen wasn't available. Ibuprofen upsets my tummy, and doesn't seem quite as effective, so I'm not too happy.
I can’t really take ibuprofen as I’m asthmatic. But impressive that your GP knew of the shortages and took action.
There are numerous other anti inflammatory drugs ask your go if Celebrex are still available but they should give you something with any anti inflammatory drugs history had taught the medical world to give these Together
I used to use Naproxen regularly. This was changed for Meloxicam 15mg a day maximum. This has been like a miracle drug for me. It reduces the inflammation after just one dose and I only need to take them for a couple of days. They’re well worth asking about as an alternative to any other anti-inflammatory. You will wonder have you’ve managed without them!
Hi hun- just maybe your pharmacy has a bad credit history and isnt paying his suppliers on time..... it does happen, try going to a bigger pharmacy group like Boots or Lloyds maybe, speak to gp they need to know if this is happening..there are alternatives,,what do you take it for may I ask?

Asda pharmacy has the same issue as my chemist. But something I hadn’t considered. I take Naproxen for arthritis in my knees. Cocodamol and amitriptyline for fibromyalgia. I have menieres too - betahistime taken for that and carpal tunnel - falling apart lol.
Are your co cod 30/500 strength or 8/500 do you know? Naprox are anti inflammatories and there are hundreds of different ones on the market, fone your g.p on monday and tell them about this stock problem..

I’m on 30/500. My pharmacist had stockpiled the Naproxen otherwise would have run out earlier. I’m seriously thinking of coming off them as heard so many scary stories of the damage they cause! I have been on them 4 to 5 years. The co codamol will be a lot harder to wean my self off them I think.
ArE YOU taking a ppi like omeprazole to protect. Your stomach??Naprox.will be safe if you do..I took mine only when I had pain and then stopped when I was ok they work better next time,constant use isn't good.

Yes I take omeprazole. It is incredibly rare for me to have a good day everything sets me off. The cold weather is playing havoc with my body.
Yes I understand your worry codein are an opiate and can be addictive maybe try reducing to 8/500 via your gp

Yes I think I’m going to go on a gradual weaning and try alternative remedy’s like a tens machine, heat etc. Thank you for all your advice it’s helped a lot.
During winter months I keep a warm water bottle up my back to make moving easier and help with pain,I get a bit of referred pain through bad posture

Unfortunately i was told this and i was taking omeprazole it did nothing to stop me getting liver and kidney problems.
I was told that u had to take naproxen over 2-4 days as it didnt work straight away it needed time to build up as was slow releasing?!
I,m afraid with all the nhs cut backs we are not getting regular medication reviews anymore that would look at major organs,,I insist every year that mine are checked I had them done last week. Via a blood test

You don’t really get enough time to talk through all the options and I certainly haven’t had a blood test for 18+ months. I find pharmacists helpful though.
U should ask for renal and lft blood test every 6 months just to b on safe side.
I wished i had but i never knew or thought how bad it could b!
Now i have to have one every month and it only this month after all this time that they have come back clear and that is with alot of work.
No alcohol, plant based diet, clean living, no tablets at all, or vitamins... lots of water.... it taken month and months of all this
I was taking naproxen but doctor took me off them a few months ago.....told me to just take paracetamol as it was starting to upset my stomach 🙁
Yep same here! After waking up yellow and being rushed to hospital and finding out it was naproxen and the head of the liver clinic said there devils tablets and cause all kind of organ failings i will never touch another anti imflammatory again!
I was told paracetamol do same!
Less harmful as long as only taken when needed.
I stopped all drugs !
Now do it all with meditation , rest , heat and yoga!
Yes your not the first to say this and I am starting to get stomach problems to be honest. They don’t really help the fibromyalgia pain anyway. The co codamol will be hard to wean as I know I’m very addicted to them. I get shaky and nauseas if only an hour late taking them.
Yes they would affect your stomach without a med called a ppi like omeprazole to protect it..not good prescription at all.

I have been on the co codamol for almost 8 years and wasn’t told they were addictive at the time. When I questioned it later, I was told it’s ok when used for pain relief! Why else would you take them?
Opioids can be addictive but there’s a big difference being being addicted and being dependent. Being addicted you would be always hanging on to the next dose or abusing prescription medications.
Being dependent on a certain level of medication used for pain over a number of years is most likely the reason for withdrawal symptoms if you miss a dose. If weaned off properly I am sure you’d find it is not an addiction but a dependency.
For instance people who drink lots of coffee a day, feel awful if they suddenly stop as used to the caffeine intake. If they slowly reduced they would most likely be fine.
If in pain we may need to take certain medications to be as pain free as possible, so I personally don’t think we should beat ourselves up about it. I take Pregabalin and Tramadol SR daily and have done so for 11yrs and experience withdrawal if I miss a dose too. I use it as prescribed and feel that all meds can be addictive or have bad press but if used correctly to relieve pain they can be beneficial.
Sorry your having trouble getting your Naproxen at the moment. I personally wouldn’t take this long term only as needed although I know many people do. The potential gastric problems would be the reason I don’t use it. Co-codamol is recommended for Fibromyalgia as per link below
However strong opioids are not recommended as the risks long term outweigh any benefits with the exception of Tramadol, that has a serotonin pathway.
I hope you find the link to EULAR Recommendations of interest
Wishing you a pain free day
No,but I'm in deepest, darkest Devon so we may have stockpiled a few. Hopefully you'll get sorted very soon. Xx
Thank you. I know my pharmacy had stockpiled them but have finally run out. I am seriously thinking of weaning myself off all the painkillers. I don’t think they help much.
Paracetamol are safest as long as we don't abuse them.

I disagree as not everyone has an addiction to prescription meds or will develop an addiction and if take them as prescribed then everything is fine. As per my other reply addiction and dependence are different. If someone needs co-codamok for pain and takes it as prescribed then it can be helpful to manage pain. Paracetamol are sold in smaller amounts now as you know due to people taking too many under certain circumstances and they can damage the liver for life if taken to excess.
All medications have risks and some benefits outweigh the risks or vice versa. Everyone is different and needs to find the medication and other therapies that work for them. We must be careful not to demonise medications as many are used safety and can help symptom control.
I would suggest to Shelly cop that it is best to have a medication review to discuss any pain relief options with your own GP before deciding to stop existing pain relief and for help to wean off co-codamol etc
Just to mention, sallycop this community isn’t really the place to advise about medication apart from merely to say what our experiences are and what we take them members can go to thier own Healthcare Professionals for advice.
Hope this helps
I do agree that having medication to relieve the symptoms are beneficial. I know my blood pressure rises if I’m in too much pain, which isn’t good for either. I think when I was prescribed this medication many years ago, I expected it to help short term until I got help/cure. Not that I would need for life. One very unhelpful GP told me to take as many painkillers to be pain free and then go out jogging as exercise was good for you, and I would loose weight too. Totally ridiculous as I walk badly aided with walking sticks. I think my aim should be to see GP with the hope of weaning myself off the constant use of the painkillers, then use them when I really really need some pain relief. Thank you all for your advice as it is helping me re-evaluate my options x
For anyone who may be concerned for the state of their liver, take Milk Thistle drops, which I have taken for some 10 years, and can well recommend them. They are natural herbal medicines. sincerely, Roselil
Hello .. I’m glad the safety of Naproxen is being called into question. For four years I have been treated for a bad back I was prescribed co-codomol & sudsequently Naproxen. Inintially I took the Naproxen sparingly as I was aware of the possible stomach side effects. On starting a new job my pain levels increased & I started taking the naproxen as prescribed Ie 250g 4 x a day - my pain levels seemed to increase. I’d had a hip x-ray taken in June & everything was fine just fair wear & tear on visiting a specialist on Nov 2nd a further x-ray was taken & the change was significant & irreparable. AVN Avascular necrosis of the hip was questioned the blood supply to my hips had died & I’m left needing 2 replacement hips at the age of 53. The specialist mentioned Naproxen at least 20 times To me in his consultation but when asked ‘Had the medication caused this? He wouldn’t confirm or deny but I’m very clear what he thought. The other problem now is when you say the Naproxen caused this to a GP they pooh pooh th idea as it is so readily prescribed.
I don’t believe the full side effects of Naproxen are yet known so I would warn others to be very very careful of it! I am probably just unlucky but I’m certainly paying the price now!
Yes, my GP replaced them with zapain 30/500
Pharmacies were advised to stockpile numerous drugs preBrexit (swear words)to avoid running out I guess stockists have either run out or might be waiting to up the prices.

Think people are trying to stockpile at home due to Brexit (where they can) , hence a knock on affect to pharmacy supplies. If everyone does this it will cause a storage of a much larger scale than if people just carry on as normal. It's a reaction many people will do unfortunately due to the press and reports that medications will not be available. I hope it's just a case of people reporting it and scaremongering otherwise we all could be facing short supply in medication, unfortunately.
Hi, i have just recieved my prescription for naproxen with no problems, i dont have this medication usually i have been prescribed for my headaches due to concussion. (Leigh)