Hi all been diagnosed with fibro recently but my whole right side of my body is in awful pain. This has been going on about a year. I have osteoarthritis and sleep apnea too. Im going to work less and less because im sick of this pain..its from my neck. Shoulder blade. Right down my back and my sciatic nerve into my leg foot and sole. Ive got occ health soon but just had enough now any advise
Right side pain : Hi all been diagnosed... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Right side pain

Doctors have entertained a possible diagnosis of fibromyalgia with me only (two years ago), but I am affected by right sided pains. Mostly right ball of the foot & flank pain currently. So far this year I haven’t been bothered with neck/shoulder discomfort.
The origins of our pain may be different but my doctor suggested putting a over-the-counter Lidocaine patch on my flank area (A recent ultrasound was negative for stones). I never did try them because they have fillers in them, but maybe if you are overseas you can find a better brand with less additives than I can (in the states) to try out(?).
When my neck/shoulders also gives me grief I break down & see a Physical Therapist (one holding a doctorate). I should go for my current discomforts now, It always seems to help somehow.
I have the same but my left side. I have regular massage and do stretches that were given to me by physio.
Can I ask you what medication you take at present? one sided pain can be perpelxing as well as painful but if it is fibro it is the muscles that hurt you, your say you have O.A- I have some and it can be in your rib cage so that and muscle pain the same area is quite painful
I also have now suspected ulcer or gallstones! Been up a and e 2 days! Im now on 100mg pregablin since last week. And sertraline for my anxiety and omerezopole for ulcer! I feel like im.falling apart and my 19 yr old son does nothing to help etc. Im im tears most days and anxietys worse due to son and work so ive stopped going to work cause feel like i cant cope in my head with all i have to remember and do! But dont no where to turn x