does and one get stabbing right quadrant pain and left ? had bloods mri and ultra sound all normal I hate this disease x?
right upper quadrant pain ! - Fibromyalgia Acti...
right upper quadrant pain !

I get stabbing pains all over my body.
bless you me to it's awful x
Yes i get stabbing pains. A lot around my chest area. God help me if I have heart issues as i'll think its fibro
thanks hunny I'm not alone on this then x
Hi yes I do I also have had blood tests mri scan etc you feel like you are making it up sometimes dont you?I can really sympathise with you just wish I could wake up pain free and normal but hopefully off to the sun on Saturday and may get some relief take care xx
Have you spoken about gallbladder issues? It might be worth it if not.
I was about to suggest that too.
Usual sufferers are Forties, overweight, fair skinned, and still pre menopause.
A diagnosis point is if you get pain soon after eating, to the point of it making you vomit, after which it goes away.
Cheers, Midori
Yeah... Though I was in my "firties"
hi I had scan on gals bladder totally normal x
Ugh what a horrible 'formula' to describe people 😳
So I'm under the barrier too as like moo I'm in my "firties"
They may need to rethink their 'formula' 🤣🤣
I am with you on this one I had my gallbladder removed and I would say the pain I still have is on par with that I absolutely hate it completely disabled you, nothing takes the pain away 🥰
thanks hun glad to know I'm not along it's like your being stabbed in organs and that's not being dramatic either I had scan on liver and gald bladder all normal was in a and e I just wish I knew what it is ?is it muscle or nerves both ?i no it fibro but that pain and the heart palpitatio s is worst for me by far xxxx