My next door neighbour has a smart meter and she suffers with tiredness and migraines and I suffer with Fibromyalgia do you think the smart meter anything to do with our illness there s are a lot of study s on You Tube about it what do other s think about it
Smart meters link with bad health - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Smart meters link with bad health
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don't think so. Correlation does not equal causation. Recycling bins, newest iphone, LED tvs, bluetooth, and electric cars would also probably correlate.........
There s a lot of imformation backing it up I know of other s who agree
Many Doctor s who say so aswell
that is your and there right to share an incorrect or correct view. But equally true would be to bin your mobile phone, pcs and turn off the TV and all radios.
I reduced as much interference as possible gone back to wired instead of wireless don't own a mobile for 5 years E M F signals slightly reduced but not enough the smart meters send out a lot of bad microwaves that effect the human body its only going to get worse more health problems on the way there is such a lot of evidence by many doctors around the world who support this its taken seriously
the fact you are on here means you are using device that gives off EMF signals. Living in a cave or EMF blackspot like near a space radio transmitter (ironically) is all you can do.
With the correct equipment someone can read what is on your screen from outside your house. This is to show that EMF from screens transmits some distance.
Light, sound, microwaves.... radiation. We are exposed to it every nanosecond of every day. Radiation is normal but some can be damage. But every new thing is not bad by default.
Yes but I have lesson it by not using wireless or a mobile using ethernet cable don't use a lap top on my lap avoid contact with the body
bluetooth operates at 2.4ghz and range of between 30 - 300ft
RF - 10mm - 10km
WIFI - 2.4 - 150ft - 300ft
WiFi - 5ghz - 50 - 150ft
Cell tower 30-45 miles
Router and laptop will still be broadcasting if not turned off even if cable connected. boiler will be using wifi most likely. Dect phones etc.
good luck to your view but I can only share my view that there is no logic or science there for this view and when it becomes available then I will change my view.
As Badbessie intimated, you would have a higher incidence of chronic effects in air traffic control operators in civilian and military sectors as well as other industries that are heavily comms oriented.
I found this funny....
Ever wondered if this article was sponsored by the industry you need to listen to others and not to take first value to other s open minded is the key

In answer to that I worked in the military using equipment a thousand times more powerful than the ones used on smart meters without harm. There is a huge amount of peer reviewed research both here and in America that these signals cause no harm.

I am sorry but is this not exactly what your asking others to do with your posts? Why should people take what you say and think at face value and not others. I agree keeping an open mind is a must with everything we hear and read. Then it's up to the individual rightly or wrongly to chose what they wish to believe.
Right now I personally think life is way too short and precious to believe anything I read and hear this is just my own opinion xx
They said, Agent Orange, DDT, Glyphosate were safe.
At present there is outrage at the amount of RF on the planet.
Sadly some think that because they can't see it it is harmless,, yet the body is electrical in nature,, the assult on the cells in the body is constant.
But lets referance someone who has impecable credentials and auctualy knows something about the probelm.
“Smart meters do not pose a risk to health. The level of radio waves they produce is typically one million times less than the internationally agreed guidelines.”
Dr Azadeh Peyman, principal radiation protection scientist
Public Health England (PHE) (Government watchdog on public health)
Sadly it is not just smart meters.
All around us we are bathed 24/7 in EMF/RF/Microwave.
All current safty guidelines and advise is based on thermal effects only,, not biological effects.
Dr Martin Pall disguses quite clearly the effects on the voltage gated calcium chanels in the cell,, the implications of this are huge.
so the lawsuits and expert evidence did not convince? The focussed mobile phone level radiation on organic cells did not convince. Or just the lain theoretical and practical physics approach did not convince.
Its really easy for anyone that distrusts EMF, go and live in a cave or an EMF blackspot like the forest in dumfries.
Your very anti a bit of a know it all got to get your last word in look up on youtube TEDtalk Jeromy Johnson wireless wake up call that's just the tip of the ice iceburg look up and research it hard and then decide 5 G is just going to add more problems Radiation on the body cell phone towers and modem s its bad for the Autoimmune system all I m trying to to do is just warn people of the risks do lots of research and then decide and avoid funded companys who are in support of it as they say chase the money the industry doesn't care about the people just profit only
not trying to be a know it all but do try to be informed. and correct things when they seem wrong. I do not mind being wrong about things as it helps me learn.
But you seemed to ask an initially open question on here but obviously have already made your mind up. There is plenty of evidence on the internet but not all evidence is equal.
It is well proven that sites like infowars, mercola and others push theories for clicks, advertising and their own products so that they can profit from it.
you asked a question and I answered honestly if not as plainly as I would have liked to. I have also not personalised it either.
des, you have a dogmatic atitude, your always right!
You constantly dismiss anyone chosing to raise there head above the parapet, then when the going gets tough you have the last word and close the post down!
This is always your attitude!
not really as there are many things you have posted that I have not responded to or shut down. And If you ask the other admins I will frequently ask if my "bias" is at play when taking action or replying.
But I think it is responsible to address theories that are against the evidence base at present. I also know that sites that are used are often suspect and try to point this out.
As to closing posts like this down, it is often another admin that says that it to be closed as it is getting away from the core topic of this forum. I would rather continue the discussion.
But I will not apologise for closing down discussions on antivax which I think it is the most recent discussion I closed with you.
As to being dogmatic, that is not my intention but when hypothesis or unsupported theories are being used as almost fact and I am replying with good quality evidence that is dismissed as being on the payroll of big pharma et al then there is no way to win.
If I am being dogmatic by doing this then I am guilty.
des, I think the most important words in your last statement were "theories that are against the evidence base at present" and I would like to add an emphasis on the last two "AT PRESENT" .
Again we only have to look at some of the amazing people in history to see the truth in this.
Wonderful people with insight who were denighed and dismissed by what was promoted and accepted as fact by the establishment at the time.
So at present you are wrong and we await you being correct? I am being intentionally flippant but its about balance and this question was asked as an open one and I provided my opinion and attempted to justify it. That's all.
We have had this discussion with every generation of mobile phone. Evidence base is increasing and we learn more but at present it is safe.
I would just like to say the reasons for most posts been closed is because they tend to break down in to nothing but unwarranted rudeness and arguments and then the original topic becomes lost . The same way this one is going right now sad to say. Please remember we are adults and our members do not come here to see this kind of behaviour. At FMAUK this is not we are about. So please can everyone stay on topic thank you .
"Lost"???? all discussion diversifies it is part of the nature of discussion.
and there are forums for all the types of discussions you would like to have but this one has limits. When things go off topic then the mods may choose to act.
This thread has already seen itself go off topic, get personal and mod decisions called into question. It is still open but walking a thin line.

I think your reply is a little out of order IMO part of your original post was
do you think the smart meter anything to do with our illness
You asked the question. But from the replies I have read you don't seem happy with any responses that don't coincide with your already perceived ideas.
I do not think there is any need to be so rude in your reply to desquinn He and every member have a right to their own opinion with out been abused because we may not agree with it.
There is also the bad publicity that these are a waste of money and save very little.
Thank s for your open minded view at least you are aware of it
My last comment on the subject....You need to remember that in America that the laws on are different on who and why you can call yourself Doctor. Also some Phds are given out by alternative research centres of medicine and science. However they are not recognised as actual qualifications. So you could be professor blogs PhD but have no recognised qualifications. The have their own journals full of their own research which as never been peer reviewed by any established scientists. The classic one was the fibromyalgia blood test at 750 dollars. Many desperate people were robbed by fine sounding Doctors who in reality had not one recognised qualification between them. Before believing anything check what the they are doctor in and where the PHD came from.
Which I mentioned this guy
Yes he as the qualifications. But only theories. None of which have yet to be proved. I am a very easy going sort and I believe everyone should have a right to their own beliefs. However what I am against is people with theories that suggest links without proof. If you looked at the impressive credentials of the scientist who suggested a link between MMR and autism they were very impressive but his theory was proven nonsense.
Good for you for looking it up for about your worst off and health problems most people who have them end up having them removed because they are not cost effective its all a big con on our behalf thanks again Paul
I agree

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