Venaflaxine : Hi all,i have fubro,Cfs... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Koomaroo2 profile image
40 Replies

Hi all,i have fubro,Cfs Me,anxiety and depression, very low appetite and dehydration, i am in a worse flare up in history, venaflaxine was prescribed about 4 5 weeks ago,i have felt even worse with my symptoms,pain,burningstinging head to foot,shivers ans hot cold sweats constantly, cant sleep at night,no of switch from pain and mentally head wont switch off at night.For the past few days i just stopped taking all meds as every time i take the venaflaxine im throwing up constantly, with even nothing in my stomach as no appetite, im sure iys not helping,but same time med fear,so even though its been few days shall i start them again tomorrow.

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Koomaroo2 profile image
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40 Replies


Sorry you are having a tough time. You could go back to your Gp,see what he/she suggests. Take care Lynne

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply to

Thank you i truly am struggle right now, think my doc will just tell me to keep taking everything still ,sandy.

uggycat profile image

Hi Koomaroo you must keep in contact with your doctor for the first 10 weeks of going on antidepressants. This is very important. Hope you manage to sort yourself out

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply to uggycat

I tryed doing that couldnt even get call back from gp for 3 days then chucked out a and e over all wekend i took there xx fibro card get pulled every time x

pomagranite1010 profile image

going off all meds suddenly can and will cause w/d like symptoms

pomagranite1010 profile image
pomagranite1010 in reply to pomagranite1010

maybe take your usual meds and just a very small part of the new one. definitly go back and call right away tell them its making you sick

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply to pomagranite1010

Yes i try start them again tomorrow see what happens, got a appointment tomorrow morning so getting more anxiety about it my doc and hospital know if been being sick and cant eat very much of anything, but blame all on massive fibro flare and depression ect

pomagranite1010 profile image
pomagranite1010 in reply to Koomaroo2

I dont feel like eating a lot a lot of time too. those times I just like to go for fruit. or cheese and crackers depending on my mood always make myself drink water, somtimes lemon if you have it is nice in the water take care

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply to pomagranite1010

Yes thought so too

Koomaroo2 profile image

I know it was probably silly but could keep any meds down even with drinking water ,doc will just keep telling me to take all still xx


Please tell your Dr everything. I find sparkling water helps me. Take care Lynne

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply to

Thank you x

in reply to Koomaroo2

You are welcome. Take care e

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply to

You too

in reply to Koomaroo2

Thank you. Take care Lynne

RayB profile image

If they are making you that sick you realy have to get an emergency appointment with GP even if it is just a call back so they can advise till the get you an appoinment sorted. The dehydration is of concern,, I know you have little appitite but if you could perhaps get a nice rip water melon, nice cold from the fridge, not heavy on the stomach and beautifuly hydrating with a stomch selling quality, even if your only having a little bit at a time!

To be hosnest I now live on a 90% fruit diet and water melon is a regular favorite meal for me!

Hope your feeling easier soon,, best wishes, Ray

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply to RayB

They will just tell me its the fibro flaring big time,im trying to drink a bit and eaten one small dinner just now even tho its late.

RayB profile image
RayB in reply to Koomaroo2

Calmly tell them you know your own body and how it feels,, you live with it,, and it is the drug that is making you sick,, you can't keep food down.

You know how you feel,,, you should not be browbeaten. Have you concidered bringing and advcoate with you to the surgery,, if you had a friend who was a nurse it would be good they can normaly speak more on a level and you would feel you have support,, you seem to be somewhat intimidated by the Dr,, they do have a certain attitude.

Ther is also some charities that can provide an adcocate,, someone to help you put your feelings across,, perhaps some of the mental health groups or services may be able to advise you. It's all to easy to get lost with fibro,, you get such a beating from the condition and when you take how it affects our mental function,,, well I don't think much concideration is given freely to the whole thing!

Sorry I'm ranting!


Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply to RayB

Iv been telling them all that for so long now,that i know my body more than them and there not experience it like me,no matter how desperate i have become they still pull fibro card get out of jsil card,leave me to cope with meds that not work or make me feel more ill,my depression and anxiety has got to the point of not living anymore,my family dont understand and give me very very little support its broken there lives as cant deal with me and what i go though im witts end now cant find hope at all iv met a cpn once,hes coming to vist me again but we know very little about eachother as iv been that ill and modtly left to rot in hospital that now they say knothing more they can do for me,my docs are saying im screwed and have no were to go and no one to properly help me ,your not ranting your trying to help me that i truly appreciate Ray.other than a very grumpy un understanding husband iv got no one.

RayB profile image
RayB in reply to Koomaroo2

The CPN should be able to see your situation.

Tell him your at your witts end with the pain.

The medication is giving no relief,,, that antidepressant is making you regurgate,, and that your sure it is the antidepressant. The Dr dosen't seem to understand the situation and that everytime you try to speak to the GP their attitud just makes you feel more and helpless and hopeless.

I am trying to interperate what I am getting from you,, not put words into your mouth,, it can be so difficult to get your thoughs organised with fibro,, I think that is the part that is most often overlooked.

The CPN should be able to interveen for you,,he will certaintly write to the Dr!

Ask him if there is any advocasy support services available to help you through attending the GP as it has become very difficult,, you feel so alone in the world and that everything and everyone is against you.

Best Wishes, Ray

Ive been there ..I tried anti nausea that dissolve under gum...and I got myself liquid pain relief IE...neurogen and or paracetamol ...reduce pain reduce other symptoms hopefully rest try ...try and have lots of hot drinks x

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply to

Good im not alone, i have snti sickness but not ones that dissolve, iv just taken a co codamol see if that helps and having a cup of tea x

in reply to Koomaroo2


Just try to keep hydrated. We are all thinking of you. If your Dr won't help could you go to another surgery. Take care Lynne

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply to

Hi,i will try just feel so terrible right now,iv taken a co codamol for the pain, yes if my doc wont help i need to think again

Koomaroo2 profile image

Yes need too

Does yours feel like painful fluey nerve pain ..all over

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply to

Yes and like burning and constant hot cold flushes

Koomaroo2 profile image

Hope so its like a constant gagging choking feeling in my throat like you cant swallow or breathe, stinging pins and needles all over with burning pain x

Yeah that's the one ...

Koomaroo2 profile image

Thet puttung it all sown to fibro fkare but im not agreeing totally with that

in reply to Koomaroo2


Could your husband go with you? Show your family members this forum, they might start to understand it a little more. Take care Lynne

WendyKathleen profile image

This is an extreme reaction. I surprise you have not gone back to your doctor?

Barneyboo37 profile image

You really need to take venkafaxine with food! My son had exactly the same problem, need to take after tea maybe, the more food in your stomach will help, and good luck, they do work you just need to get past the first week, what strength did they put you on? Hopefully 37.5mg as they are the lowest ones to get used to them, then after a few months raise the dosage, they do work really well once you get used to them, honest xxx good luck xxxx

StaceyME4 profile image

So sorry you’re feeling this way. I too have fibromyalgia, cfs, anxiety, depression, very little appetite and a whole host more and take venlaflaxine 112.5 twice per day - have done on and off for 18 years. It’s horrible to go onto and come off of but once you’re stabilised on dosage, drink plenty of water and manage to force two small meals (I generally have a milkshake meal replacement early in day and manage some tea) the forcing is no longer necessary because it kickstarted my appetite a little when stuck with it, rest often (not just when I need to) and I’ve massively increased my water intake.

My opinion of venlaflaxine is that it has been the best one for me despite the severe dry mouth, increased fatigue and pain etc

I hope you find a way that works for you but please don’t just stop taking any of your meds - it affects their ability to work for you going forward and withdrawal symptoms are worse than the initial side effects 💜

Bools33 profile image

Be very careful as I am on this and my dr told me to stop and I didn’t know that you had to wean yourself off them slowly . Well I went cold turkey . My brain was moving around my head . Was so dizzy and could not function for over 10 days ... so just be very careful when coming off it . All the best xxx

Jobry84x profile image
Jobry84x in reply to Bools33

me too was the worst experience off my life im stuck on them the withdrawals are so do bad

Jobry84x profile image

The worst thing i have ever done in my whole life is agree to taking venlafaxine ...i started off being exhausted from nausea and being sick and was told this will pass which it did after 3 months...ive now gained nearly 4 stone in 12months and ive tried to come off it several times to end up retaking it as the withdrawals are so bad ...sweats nightmares brain zaps ..uncontrollable shaking nonstop vomiting ....plz if i was you go back to the doctor and get off this terrible drug

its even banned in the us !!!!

Peep44 profile image

Venlafaxine made me feel like throwing up for about 3 weeks. I was ready to give up. It has worked well though for Fibro and anxiety.

I came off all meds too and went through what you’re experiencing three to four years ago. I follow mostly Dr Sarah Myhills protocol which comes at a cost but I don’t feel as spaced out as I did whilst on the prescription meds. The main supplements I take are magnesium glycinate at night along with Milk Thistle and day time I take vit D along with K2, b12 and Coq10. I try and follow a paleo diet but have also gone gluten free and cut out a lot of dairy products. I’m upright mostly atm which is a good thing and manage my activity levels carefully. It’s a lot of trial and error and has been a massive learning curve. I have found out recently that I reactivate EBV and CMV but doctors would not prescribe antivirals due to cost. I still have major health issues but now avoid going to the GP other than once a year to get bloods checked, mainly as I am fed up being told my bloods are fine or that it’s either just ME/CFS symptoms or that of the virus's. I take herbal antivirals in Liquorice Root and Cats Claw and suffer in silence like the rest of us 😰. Sorry to hear you are in pain and having a rough time. Dr Myhills book was my initial inspiration to help myself but I have gleaned a lot from other sufferers through forums and via published medical papers. I do hope you find your own road to recovering from this awful illness.

I feel similar and am getting some liquorice ,I used to give it to my kids ....and cats claw thanx

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