morning all, hope you are all well, or as well as can be expected.
I haven't been here for a few weeks, been busy with work and family issues, but thought I would drop back in again for an update and advice if possible?
so I don't have arthritis - good news, but my pain is getting worse.
the cold weather we have had seems to have destroyed my knees and the pain is really bad. I had been taking naproxen but turns out this has destroyed my stomach lining and ended up at the hospital (more due to waiting time for the docs than because it was an actual emergency) , so for now im on zero pain meds - I don't like pain meds anyway, I dunno whether to keep taking the legs and chest pains (also headaches the last few days and odd purple vision) or to try and find some meds..... its a quandary.
I have been recommended CBD oil from a friend, but im not sure whether this is a good idea or not, my main question is if anyone here has experience with this stuff?
I was given a steroid injection a few weeks ago as a longer term anti inflammatory, and for two days I could stretch again, it was glorious, I just did it when ever I felt like it, just for fun. I was loving life. now the injection was supposed to last for 6 weeks but after a few days it was basically back to normal (except for my skin which is still in a good condition thankfully) and I could no longer stretch and my knee was sore again, so not sure if it was actually effective or if it was some form of placebo effect.......
I dunno what to do now. the doc said keep a diary, which I have but it just reads like im a moaning face, I dunno what to do...... my mother in law is battling cancer, so im keeping all this from my wife as much as possible because her plate is overflowing as it is, but I need advice please.
sorry for moaning, im actually in good spirits, just no point coming here to sing I suppose.