Hi all, I've just had some blood tests taken and my ESR has came back at 53 and crp is at 19 can anyone give me an idea of what this could be? I've had a chest xray and that came back normal but I'm not even sure why I was sent for that.
Esr and crp : Hi all, I've just had... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Esr and crp

Those blood test are looking at inflammation in your body could be caused by anything even a cold raises them .
Speak to your GP for results
My inflammation is 93 and crp Is 11.
What did your GP say
Nothing. Just said to be expected. Xx
Then I would ask more questions
Fibro does not cause inflammation
So I would want to know why thier high
Women under age 50 should have an ESR between 0 and 20 mm/hr.
Men under age 50 should have an ESR between 0 and 15 mm/hr.
Women over age 50 should have an ESR between 0 and 30 mm/hr.
Men over age 50 should have an ESR between 0 and 20 mm/hr.
Children should have an ESR between 0 and 10 mm/hr.

Mine have been high for years. The only explanation I ever get is that it's inflammation and/or infection somewhere in my body, and probably from the fibro, but I do have other health conditions besides fibro. x
Hi Ruth63. Don’t worry about these results they can only be interpreted in the context of your medical history. So before I retired I would use an acute phase protein marker such as CRP in combination with the type of white blood cells to help me differentiate between viral and bacterial infection.
Some folk their markers are always raised and that’s just normal for them.
Before fitting my pacemaker my cardiologist used crp and wbc to ensure I didn’t have an infection which might have delayed my op
Hope this helps
My ESR and CRP levels were raised for a long time. My GP suspected it was something other then fibro as it doesn’t cause inflammation. I went to a specialist and was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. I would press your doctor for more information and a retest in a couple of weeks to see if your levels are still high because there may be something else going on. X
These ESR and CRP numbers are the bane of my life, in 2015 I was diagnosed with Polymyalgia by a Rheumatologist. Thereafter every time I saw my GP she was reluctant to prescribe the steroids for pain relief because according to my records my numbers were normal, and she never accepted the diagnosis of PMR, even though I did research and found that a quarter of people with low ESR/CRP had no raised levels. I would be in intense pain - similar to Fibro, and every month I had to practically beg her to renew my prescription. Fortunately, unlike Fibro, PMR burns out, which it did after 3 years. I had 3 glorious pain free months, then had two bad falls which triggered Fibro, and am now in even more pain than I was with PMR. I think my body must be a pain magnet😱. My CRP's are still normal and as there is no inflamatoion with Fibro, that means nothing. But the GP has jumped on to it again.
Hi just a quick update, Dr's have ruled out autoimmune and have ordered me a full cat scan as I suffer with night sweats too, they think possible lymphoma, but I would of thought my inflammation levels would be a lot higher with this x