Hi, following on from a recent question I asked, I have thought several times in my life that my thyroid may be dodgy but blood tests have never indicated as such. It came up again when I mentioned feeling cold all the time and also in a book I have on fibro it mentions checking out your temperature at rest (first thing in the morning). So...I've gone and purchased myself some of those new-fangled digi thermometers that measure in Celcius (Lordy, I have to do online conversions - I'm a Farenheit girl if you please!) In fact I bought two of the things as I was going to do an underarm one but not done that so far, only in the mouth.
But every time, my temperature has been no higher than 36.3 which s barely over 97 and one day it was below 97 degrees. Normal temp should be 98.6F although they do have a normal range but this looks well outside the normal range.
On the other thread it was suggested that GPs can diagnose hypothyroidism but if your blood tests have always come back normal - what next?
I have a friend who's had all sorts of problems with her thyroid & pitutary gland and has had to have all sorts of medication.
Thanks x