CRP level : My CRP count has come back... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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CRP level

Shazanabs profile image
48 Replies

My CRP count has come back at 15 my consultant doesn’t seem overly worried but it’s sent me into panic mode anyone else have a high CRP count. Thanks xx

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Shazanabs profile image
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48 Replies
mattoid-mags profile image

Hi Shazanabs,

Don't panic, I had a high CRP level before. It means there is inflammation some where in the body but unfortunately it can't be pinpointed to a particular part of the body.

That was a few years ago and my GP didn't seem overly concerned about it either.

Take care,

Mags 🌼💐🌼

soppysokes profile image

Really unless it is monitored very regularly and is consistently high it's not something to be overly concerned about and although outside ideal range 15 isn't so bad! It does relate to inflammation 'somewhere' in the body but really just at the time of testing and can be related to any passing infection causing goes both up and down quickly when problem arises and then passes. Don't worry too much about it!

Ramjets profile image

If your consultant doesn't seem overly worried then there is nothing for you to panic about. However if it's causing you stress then I would express your concerns to your consultant so they can re-assure you. x

Shazanabs profile image

Thank you all for your reply’s I do feel a bit better about it, but will speak to my consultant xx

Nottingham311 profile image

Mine is 16 so every 3 months I have a blood test

Shazanabs profile image

He is a professor in gastroenterology xx

Shazanabs profile image

It is the first time it’s come back this high

Shazanabs profile image

I think he will know and keep an eye on it being a professor he should know what your saying x

Shazanabs profile image

That doesn’t sound good I’m quite worried now I will be getting in touch with him on Monday X

Shazanabs profile image

I’m on vitamin D daily and my levels are now fine, I will definitely be asking for printout of further blood work, does high CPR mean I’m at a higher risk of cancer?x

soppysokes profile image
soppysokes in reply toShazanabs

No it does not.

Shazanabs profile image
Shazanabs in reply tosoppysokes

Does not mean risk of cancer do you mean ? X

soppysokes profile image
soppysokes in reply toShazanabs

Yes. Thing is long term highly raised crp is an indicator of inflammation in the body,somewhere. your reading of 15 although may seem alarming being over the range, is nothing to get panicked about! All test results such as this must be read and acted on from a position of knowledge of the particular patient - not just on the isolated results that are sometimes thrown up from blood tests-and this is what your consultant will be aware of when coming to his conclusions. Crp can rise alarmingly and quickly resolve also i.e. Pneumonia can give it in the 100's, and treatment for an acute illness can see it back under 10 or so very soon, any, even slight inflammatory condition can raise it, and this can be very transient, a flare of say IBS, arthritis, cold or day to day viruses that many times we are unaware of even having,can do this, hence it's so important for it to be read along with knowledge of the patient ,then a sensible conclusion can be arrived is true that a long term raised crp needs to be looked into thoroughly but from what you have said at present you really would do well to put the worry of it aside as your consultant has indicated. since it has been flagged as slightly raised this one time it probably useful to have it checked again in a while to see where it's at but again in conjunction with your gp who knows what background you have. The stress and worry long term is more likely to trigger cancer than a crp 1 off of 15, so try to relax lol. Hope that helps a bit

Shazanabs profile image
Shazanabs in reply tosoppysokes

Thank you that’s made me feel slightly better x

Shazanabs profile image

I had a booster course of 2000 daily for a month I then had blood test the doctor said it shown normal range but to take 400 daily for the rest of my life x

mattjoachim profile image

Mine is always raised when i have blood. and as i see from patient access, doctor writes acceptable

mattjoachim profile image

last 5 blood tests=25 then 20 then 32 then 17.5 latest 13.7 I was also put on statins seems to be coming since But i have other health conditions and am under two different consultants

Shazanabs profile image

The doctor just said within normal range and I was put on 400 after booster course and blood test x

mattjoachim profile image

Doctor said because of bad cholesterol strength Atorvastatin 20 mg. No side effects since starting them . Also been put on Irbesartan 75 mg around the same time

mattjoachim profile image

About the time my CRP was 32 my GFR for kidneys went down to 35. Since starting Irbesartan my GFR has come up to 48 and CRP down to 13,7 last blood test so must be doing some good then

Shazanabs profile image

I have had physical pain for the last 4 years, the pain is neck shoulders lower back hips wrists elbows knees and feet,been diagnosed with fibro and osteoarthritis I also have a lot of stomach issues x

skibarski2 profile image
skibarski2 in reply toShazanabs

“I have had physical pain for the last 4 years, the pain is neck shoulders lower back hips wrists elbows knees and feet”

Hi Shazanabs

I too have FIBRO, had it for many years, but got to a stage last year where I had no good days at all, it felt like my body was completely seizing up. Especially, in the areas you stated above.

Five visits to doctors over months & blood tests always done, (unknown to me they were actually LOOKING for a raised CRP & ESR) But my results were always normal.

My own registered GP decided to go with her own thoughts as to what was causing all this pain & weakness, especially in the upper part of the body, but it is typically in every area you described, She started me on a dose of steroids. By next day, I felt every part of my body start to “free” itself. By day two, I could lift my arms had NO frozen shoulder, no real pain at all, This is the indicator for PMR (Polymyalgia Rheumatica)

PMR IS inflammation in the BLOOD VESSELS.. If your doctor is the sort that you can talk to, I would suggest raising PMR with her, as the USUAL way to diagnose PMR is with a blood test (Not everyone has the raised blood markers) & those markers are raised CRP & ESR. And no I do not have a clue what they stand for..

PMR is also considered an older persons disease, this could be why your doctors are not considering it at all, if you are under under 60, but there are many people who do get it younger, it is also a condition many doctors are quite ignorant about.

But if you continue to be in pain with no relief, ASK your doctor to try you on a dose of steroids for a week, (this won’t harm you) if it is PMR, it will feel like a miracle cure, however there is no cure, the steroids only keep the inflammation at bay. But it burns itself out eventually over a period of years...

Take care...

Shazanabs profile image
Shazanabs in reply toskibarski2

Thank you I will be asking my doctor about this xx

MSM-Poole profile image

Don't worry about CRP as a common cold will rase it.

vivdk profile image

Hi Sazanabs

I was hospitalised a few years ago with Diverticulitis my CRP then was 239 it was all a bit dramatic with emergency scans in the middle of the night - Dr's took notice then I had a posse of them around my bed.So I was hooked up to intravenous antibiotics and pain relief. I had to stay in hospital until the CRP levels dropped below 50 which took a week. CRP levels should be under ten I was told.

I think my CRP levels are always raised a bit because of my osteoarthritis and probably Fibro as well. So that could be the reason for your raised level.

So do not worry too much.

hen-house profile image

Hi Shazanabs, this is my first comment on here although I have been here for some time - My CRP has been as high as 41 and I was booked in for an ablation on my heart and the anaesthetists came to me as I sat all prepped ready for the procedure and said they couldn't risk doing it as it was through the roof, they asked me to go to my GPs and get the reason found, this was 4 years ago now and my rheumatologist who diagnosed me with Fybro and all Drs have just said its high but we cant find why but its ok! - I have had countless bloods done like 11 bottles at a time and they cant find a cause, although the Rheumy did say maybe it was due to me being overweight, until I told her that its been like it for 9 years now and before I gave up smoking 7 years ago I was 6 stone lighter and it was still in its late 30s! If you can get them to find a cause please let me know what they done ! Happy mothers day all the mums x-x

Shazanabs profile image
Shazanabs in reply tohen-house

I will be sure to let you know if I find out the cause for it xx

KyteP profile image

Hi Londinium

I have not had a normal CRP level or ESR in several years I also have Vit D problems.

I have chronic pancreatitis, lymphedema, raynauds, anemia Hashimotos disease & psoriasis. My endocrinologist appears to be of the opinions I am suffering from dome type of systemic or mixed connective tissue disease but because my antigen tests have come back normal over the last year my rhuemotologist wont officially diagnose Lupus SLE but has said they are 99.9% I have it as I also have a Malar rash & hair loss on top of everything else. I did however have 3 positive (albeit weak) lupus tests 4 yrs ago but it went back to normal. My sister passed away with multiple organ failure from an undiagnosed unknown illness. I am really worried but can't seem to get anywhere yet they have me on so many meds I just want to be treated for one thing. I will read your posts and PDF thanks for the advice you've been giving people it's helping me.

KyteP profile image

Thank you again Londinium

I will ask for a print out tomorrow as I also need my TSH print out too. I do know the doctor said (even after 2 yrs on Vit D tablets) it's not where had like it to be but it's improved and I need to stay on them. I'm also concerned though about a vit E test thats just come back from my gastorologist who said they will discuss it with me at this week's appointment. My rhuemotologist said my bloods are all over the place my esr, crp my lymphocytes and platelets and Vits D & E and my TSH levels.

It's a worry. 🤘

Jazzyuk profile image

Hi try not to worry. Mine have been up and down currently it has been at 64. And last blood test done it has come down to 33. So my Rhemotogly dr is happier. But my elevate all the time. Even thou I’m on humira. Keep a positive mind I’m sure it will eventually come down. I have inflammatory arthritis and fibromyalgia Hope you feel better soon

Shazanabs profile image
Shazanabs in reply toJazzyuk

Aww thank you hope your well also xx

Billysmini profile image

My husbands was 391. Went to hospital was in for 14 days. His crap was 15 then 40 and 2 weeks later 13. So no worries

jane59 profile image

Hi for the last 10 yrs my CRP levels have never dropped below 19 at one time it was 104 yes really and that did cause panic its now just normal for me to have a high reading now but as i say to my doctor maybe you understand the permanent pain im in

Sarahvit profile image

I had to go google CRP to know what it was. C-reactive protein which is a liver function test which can be elevated due to infection, (anithesia sent mine through the roof if 5 is normal high end mine was 500!) to cancer. Is this the first time it was elevated? 🤔hmm? Come to think of it I have some stuff which was high on my last lab test that the doctor wasn’t concerned about. How high is your CRP? It may be one of those things that doctors just watch along with other data symptoms, medications side effects etc. If it continues to remain high talk to your doctor in ways to bring it down or if need to do farther testing. Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disease which means inflammation. Right now mine feels like it is high. Oh puma granite juice is a good source of anti inflammatories. I have been drinking it every morning after breakfast for the last year or two.

wheezybronch profile image

I have had physical pain for the last 4 years, the pain is neck shoulders lower back hips wrists elbows knees and feet,been diagnosed with fibro and osteoarthritis I also have a lot of stomach issues

Your post above sounds like I wrote it, I have all the same problems. I think that you need to leave the worrying to your doctor, if you have no confidence in him ask for a second opinion or change your doctor. There are so many variables in regard to your CRP levels that without the appropriate training you will in all probability be worrying for nothing. I often had very serious lung infections but my CRP levels mostly stayed low but it has been in the 200's and I am still here, of course it was only that high with an active infection present. To sum up I really would place my faith in my doctor and try to stop worrying. Good luck I hope that you feel better soon.

Shazanabs profile image
Shazanabs in reply towheezybronch

Thank you x

Shazanabs profile image
Shazanabs in reply towheezybronch

Thank you hope you well also x

wheezybronch profile image

I have osteopenia and as such take Calcichew, I have found nothing that can help with my pain other than not moving ! (seriously). I am much too complicated to get things fixed without being hospitalised for a comprehensive review of my medication and treatments. No one is willing to fund such an exercise. So I am putting my faith in the fact that my health care professionals are doing their best and will get on with my life until an alternative treatment plan and medication review can be arranged.

wheezybronch profile image

Calcichew D3 Forte chewable tablets, see link;

I have been very ill for a long time, I have over 20 diagnosis' ( I think ) with 35 repeat prescriptions. I have been experiencing a hiatus in my hospitalisations with no inpatient treatment for infections for four years. Mostly now I am in pain and am extremely fatigued.

wheezybronch profile image

I really have to go to bed, I am desperately tired, good night, been good talking.

mattjoachim profile image

I am also on Adcal D3 as a maintenance follow up. I was given a high dose of something else first for 6 weeks to bring my Vit D levels up. Then keep on Adcal D3 for maintenance, Also my doctor told me as I have CKD and I am under a Nephrologist he said its ok for me to take them

wheezybronch profile image

I have low Vit B12 and have Injections every three months. I have no idea about lab results for vit D levels, I was pxd Calcichew to combat low bone density and I take two a day. I am adrenal insufficient and am on Hydrocortisone. Frankly, if I delved into my problems and each and every drug and treatment I would have no time left to live. So I trust my doctors/consultants to do the best they can for me. I will continue to do that until I feel that it is not in my best interests. Although I have often said that knowledge is power it is not that simple, the interpretation of statements and trials or research is very variable and to the layman often quite incomprehensible. The interaction between various drug combinations is endless and unless I get a team of specialists in each and every problem I have I can see no useful information for me. I have just had an horrendous bout of GORD with acid affecting my mouth , nose and even my eyes although already on 20mg omeprazole twice a day it was doubled, I was offered Ranitidine but for the moment settled for doubling my omeprazole as it had been very effective for a long time. The strategy worked and I am now stabilised. I will be looking into that situation as that dose is too high even for me. Most of the evidence against omeprazole is anecdotal and I prefer to gauge my reaction to certain drugs and then discuss it with my doctors. I could investigate, weigh up evidence write summary's etc. but I would rather get on with living. Thank you for your interest and imparting your knowledge. Regards.

PS I am aware of the importance of vit D, this is from answer I posted to someone else;

As to Vitamin D ;"Experts aren't sure exactly why, but they think that you can get muscle and bone pain if you don't get enough of this nutrient. In one study, researchers gave people with fibromyalgia who had low levels of vitamin D a daily supplement or a placebo (a dummy pill) for about 6 months. Those who took the supplement had less pain and fatigue

Thanks again !

mattjoachim profile image
mattjoachim in reply towheezybronch

I agree with Londinium as Rheumatologist wrote to my GP telling them to stop my Adcal D3.Then for 8 weeks give me a high dose replacement therapy and after that and more blood tests put me back on Adcal D3 as a maintenance 2 a day. Without the high dose therapy for 8 weeks it will never come up to required level

wheezybronch profile image
wheezybronch in reply tomattjoachim

Thank you for your input.

mattjoachim profile image

2 a day Adcal D3 1.5g/400iu

wheezybronch profile image

Thank you very much, spreading relevant information is essential and you are doing a great job, thanks.

mattjoachim profile image

This was suggested twice by rheumatologist once in 2016 and again in July 2017. T his is some of what is written to my GP by Rheumatologist. We suggest high dose replacement therapy with 40,000 IU Cholecalciferol orally once a week for 8 weeks or a possible alternative 300,000 units of Cholecalciferol or .Ergocalciferol intramuscularly. Then the letter goes on about maintenance with Acal D3 twice a day .Does not state what strenght though.

Aurorasparkle profile image

Hi as others posters said .

I have endometrosis and had a CRP 124 once when I was having a massive flare up and needing an op . This was caused by inflammation.


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