well I don't know if you remember that we had put the house up for sale as I have trouble going up the stairs . Well it went up on the Tuesday and was gone by the Friday . so that was us on the laptop day and night trying to fined some were . As we thought that it would be like all the other houses around us up for months if not years . so we found a little bungalow , needs work but hay hubby is a builder and I have to big sons so things will be fab they will come to help dad and I will get to have my grand babies so win win all around.so that is that I haven't told my mum as she just puts me on a downer as she is the all you need to do is loose wait as I am to fat and get a job . but I have a nice with me and she is all are she is not well atall and she is not fat it is because she is ill . It is funny my mother il law is a better mum to me she comes and stays with me and well looks after me . in 5 years my mum has never phoned me up and said how are you today , but nice gets them everyday when she has flair up . OH sorry I am sounding like a little kid she want let me play on her swing . but hay ho we should be in are new forever home before Christmas and we are so looking forward to it ken to do what he does best and me being able to do what I do best . good times a head so soft hugs to every one and big mummy hugs to the peeps who just need that bit more
house sale .: well I don't know if you... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
house sale .

So pleased for you I bet you are all excited. You are the exact opposite to us we bought it the end of June and still not in. We put in an offer on our doer upper in April but they prevaricated about the price and then agreed what we had offered in the first place! Our first buyer the one the estate agent recommended pulled out at the last minute the second in line they said was a credit risk so we put it back on the market as other buyers had got other places in the meantime. Same family came back and it was found on further investigation his credit rating was poor because he had never had a debt or a credit card so now he is buying it. The searches are taking ages as his solicitor is the other end of the country and so large that I reckon they have lost the paperwork.
We have no one close to help us as both brother in laws are very ill and we have no children or other close family. A friend who has been coordinating work by the time we had the bungalow had accepted other work and so ahd all the workmen he was going to get to do the jobs. The plumber has let us down and we still don't have a working loo. I can't get my head around not being able to look at a beautiful view from the living room and having a tiny garden but have to be realistic about what we can manage. It was a choice of a lovely bungalow in a naff area or an okay one in a nice area and we plumped for the later just in case one of us ends up on our own.
Do hope your move goes well we have been trying to sell ours whilst youngest brother in law was in critical care, me ill with the worse flu I have ever had and other brother in law undergoing scans for his cancer so I have said when we actually move I think I am going to be like that book "The woman who went to bed for a year" or something similar.
My mother was marvellous to everyone else but never appreciated what I did for her and it was alot as I was an only child her personality seemed to change after my father died. I had been brought up by my Dad that she was my responsibility if he died before her so I just got on with it but wished she had been more loving towards me but that is way in the past now as she has been dead years but strangely I still miss her as it is having a close family connectin with someone. You have a loving husband and sons so I would personally concentrate on them and try and ignore her. Ha, ha a radical solution would not to give your mother your new address I worked with someone who was so fed up of her mother she did that!
There will be several of us moving at a similar time we will be able to swop horror stories. Keep us up to date.x
roas I am so sorry the best I can do is behere for you and if you are having any problems try purplebrick every one I know who have used them have sold with in days not weeks . And about having no mum you can have mine as I have my mum in law when she comes to stay and I phone my mum up she leaves the room as she gets so angry with her as all she says is I have all this sh--- because I am fat . fun I did not know that fibro proulaps disces . ibs diabetes not being able to control my blood pressure will all go away if I get skinny again but if I had me like my nice I would be very ill I have now got to sorry for this but f--k all of them . sorry for that but I don't have the enegy to fight them all with the ppi going through I have been on dla 4 years moving house and just the day to day of getting up and doing the simple things we have to do day in day out . any way less of that tell every one if they don't pull there fingers out of there b-m we are all coming to get them
I am going to send you the biggest mummy hugs the mummy hug were they smell nice and you go to sleep that is how big I am going to send
so here they are hohohohomhmhmhmhmhmhmhhmhmhmhmhmhmh
see big mummy hugs
Would you believe we were going to go with Purple Bricks initially but they did not return the messages we left. We have had a pile of paperwork today asking us for answers and paperwork that I am sure we provided months back when we thought we had sold it before. I have a horrible feeling as our solicitor were bought out and ours have moved that this paperwork has got lost. I am going to be like Scarlett O'Hara tonight and nor think about it.
Thanks for the mummy hugs just what I needed as I have never been used to them as my Mom as not that sort of mother unfortunately. I bet your mommy hugs are lavender scented good for relaxation.xxcc😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Congratulations. Thanks for sharing your happy news 😁☀ x
Wow that was quick!! Congratulations on selling and getting new place! From one mommy to another big hugs!!! I hope you are well today! I know that you must be feeling some relief. My mom was great and I still miss her. She always said she had 5 kids but was a mommy to a lot more! Funny I say the same thing! I have several adopted kids! It sounds like your mother in law is the same way. I am happy that you have a mum you can depend on it makes life a little easier. Hugs
I am genuinely and sincerely delighted to read that you have sold your house so quickly and I genuinely want to wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Glad you sold it.. I'm sure yout move will be very smooth. Just do your packing in sizeable chunks and don't feel the need to take all material possessions with you if you are downsizing. I took photographs of things like old birthday cards and things of sentiment and then we parted ways. It made my move and unpacking much easier at the time.
Good Luck to you. Home is where the heart is 💝💝💝.
Close your eyes and you can be anywhere. Soft hugs to you too. Xx
Good luck on your move!
I moved at the beginning of December last year. Take a word of advice, enjoy it and don't stress if all the unpacking is not by Christmas. Your family won't care and you will still have a wonderful time.
I hope you enjoy the process of turning your new home into your forever home
By the way, Rosewine has the solution to your Mother predicament. Don't pass on your new address. If she really wants to contact you she will find you through your family, if not.....you are probably better off
You're lucky to have a quick deal, I couldn't sell my house with dry rot for years until I decided to use the services of house buyers from yeshomebuyers.com . It cost me so much time and effort going through the traditional estate agent method, just wondering now why I didn't call a private house buyer organisation earlier.