Had a nightmare of a morning at work today. So I work as a hospital pharmacist on a busy acute medical ward and honest to say working in that place when you have a fibro flare is legit the worst thing ever. Shortage of staff is one thing but when you have an awful migraine, feel nauseas, aching face and body and exhaustion, it really does become too much. Especially when some ward staff do not cooperate or expect you to carry out a million tasks all in one go without compromising patient safety. Just asked my manager if i could leave early and thankfully she was understanding. I felt pretty guilty leaving my team since there is already enough pressures on them at work but I knew had to do what was best for me at the end of the day. Can’t wait to just get home and snuggle up in bed!
On another note one of my patients came in with a flare up of her chronic fatigue syndrome/ migraines. She really opened up to me about how she struggles with her symptoms and how misunderstood these chronic conditions are. She really appreciated the time that i spent just talking to her about it and I also shared my story. I guess we are all here to help each other out no?