hi there,
I have had a dx of fibro for 3 years, November came and i found it hard to walk with dizy spells, blurred vision and loss of feeling in my feet, legs and hands.
It was really embarrassing as i looked like i was walking on a spring board and my tremors were really bad. I got sent to a neuro and he gave me a brain mri to exclude ms, that came back clear i was shocked as i really thought it was. I wanted a spine one but he wouldnt do it, so was not happy.
I have been referd to a cfs clinic which is next saturday.
Has anyone been to one? I just would like to know what they do.
I am used to all the pain but its the loss of feeling and fuzzy tingling feelings that are worse at the minute.
I am on amitriplyn 150mg, gabapentin 1800mg and cocodamol.
I always feel worse in summer especially with fatigue.
Thankyou for reading kel xx