I can’t walk the length of a shopping centre, it’s so upsetting , my legs ankles and feet , I am really scared in case one day I can’t walk , got back to car and cried all the way home , just don’t know what I can do to make it better , 😞
Fed up : I can’t walk the length of a... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fed up

Walking is good for fibro, I wonder if you do any stretching of your muscles? fibro has a tendancy to make muscles deflate and so cause weakness and fatigue when you walk, ask your gp to refer you to a specialist physio who will help you and maybe;like me; refer you for some hydrotherapy to get those legs pumped up a bit.

Yeh got docs next week , also asked about hydrotherapy but pain management first then they can refer me , something needs to be done .
you will be amazed how hydro helps you to tackle pain I started using hydro 15 years ago at my worst after numerous meds proved no good.At the time I was also getting steroid injections into my big muscle that serviced my whole body-- its called kenalog if your gp will try you on it.

I will defo mention it to her , is it one injection or do you need to get them every so often ?

I would love to be able to have hydrotherapy but my nearest possibility is 50 miles away. I have difficulty sitting in a car for any length of time and a 100 mile round trip would undo any benefit from the therapy. My fault for living in the the beautiful back of beyond
Hi Jackiejack123,
I know how you feel because I am the same. It's so frustrating and depressing.
Wishing you well,
Mags 🏵️🌹

keeping as active as possible, and yes - continuing to walk as much as possible - is the best thing you can do to benefit your fibro. (doing less = deconditioning of muscles = able to do even less). Not walking will potentially lead to you not being able to walk at all in the future.
I myself cannot walk round our local shopping centre (or even just the supermarket) ... however; the majority of time I push myself to do just that - I walk small distances and take several rests in between ... sitting down when I can (or leaning against a wall when I can't) ... in supermarket I lean on the trolley (and i can only use a small shallow trolley because the larger/deep ones are too heavy to push).
I need to keep telling myself that fibro pain is not causing physical damage to my body ...and that pushing through the pain short term will not harm me (although I do not recommend pushing yourself beyond your limits constantly ...that is likely to just push you into a permanent flare).
If I know i'm going to be walking - i try and have a rest before I go ....and then do same once I get home. I've been where you are many times - and there are some days when the pain is so bad that I cannot push through ...and on these days I use a mobility scooter.
fibro hugs xxx
Thanks it’s just good to know I can speak to people that know what I’m going through, 😃
sometimes knowing someone understands is all you need to help you get through it all. today i struggled to walk downstairs and out the back garden (and only did so because our fluffies needed fed and my daughter is not at home) .... but tomorrow I might be able to walk much further .... its the unpredicatableness of it all that frustrates me the most xxx
Hi, I saw my GP as I was like you. I couldn’t even enjoy a walk round the shops. GP ref me to Physio. I just didn’t know where to start exercising. Physio got me started with minimal exercises and stretches. I’ve just started swimming again and feel much better in myself. Still a long way to go though but you’ve got to try, I’m not giving up!