Hi all hope everyone has had a good night, I wish I could say I had well for the past 4/5wks it's being cap for me so much pain & discomfort all over not knowing what to do with myself that's why I've not being on for a bit, all I have done is cry with pain not eaten or hardly drank so depressed all I keep thinking is why me what did I ever do to diserve this thing and to top it off being back to hospital and they have told me nw I also have Osteoarthritis in my knees and hips as if they didn't hurt enough not forgetting my wrist as well. I have had to see a Gastro doctor as really bad stomach pain and cramps nw am having to have 2 cameras all because I have IBS and I have had H pylori which can cause stomach cancer and other problems not looking forward to all that. I would love to be able to have more than 3 hrs sleep on a night but nothing working for me, my husband has looked into pip for me as I have little or no concentration at all these days my head just feels like it's not mine anymore but they say you have to diagnosed for 3 months with Fibro but I think now after all the times I've being to my Doctors and have looked at me stupid I think I've had it for years but no one has picked up on it or they just didn't know I don't know what to do. I struggle to walk so much pain I shuffle along I now walk with limp because the pain in my knees and hip constant I can not bend over to pick anything up because of my back constant headache and trying to get into bed well that's a laugh in its self as my husband has to help me even more as it's so pain full. There is one good news the council gave me Priority on housing list but nw have to wait for a suitable property to come along now.
Had anyone got ideas and do you think I could get pip always run down so depressed cheers guy's x